This shark has seen better days. Image Credit: YouTube / Juj\' Urbex
Two urban explorers recently delved into the decrepit remains of a disused aquarium somewhere in Spain.
The pair - a French woman known as Juj' Urbex and an unknown male - had ventured into the old abandoned building to record footage for an urban exploration video on YouTube.
What they found there has since generated a great deal of interest online.
The exact name and location of the aquarium itself remains unclear, however it seemed that the previous owners had made a rather quick getaway, leaving quite a lot of things behind.
Among the unnerving spectacles discovered by the pair was a mummified reef shark in a tank, as well as a decomposing squid and several other marine creatures in various states of decay.
It is believed that these animals may have already been dead when the aquarium was active and were dried out and placed inside glass containers for visitors to see.
All of the aquarium's living specimens were most likely moved to another location when it shut down.
The mummified remains have endured due to the fact that they were preserved beforehand.
According to Juj' Urbex, the shark in particular had made her "feel sorrow" for the creature.
You can check out the video (with translation into English) of their adventures below.
The tank is way to small... they where not alive in there, formaldehyde exhibit. Creepy place and it's probably insanely carcinogen in there with all the spill-out !
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