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MH370 pilot deliberately crashed the plane, new evidence suggests

By T.K. Randall
December 13, 2022 · Comment icon 9 comments

The mystery of MH370's fate still endures. Image Credit: PD - Arpingstone
A recently discovered piece of wreckage from the doomed airliner has shed new light on the mystery.
Exactly what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 after it took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport on March 8, 2014 still remains one of the most enduring mysteries in aviation history.

Numerous theories have arisen over the years, but by now it seems increasingly likely that the plane and its passengers were flown intentionally to their doom by its pilot for reasons unknown.

Locating the wreckage, however, has proven almost impossible, with extensive search efforts conducted over several years failing to locate the whereabouts of the plane.

Last month, however, a section of the plane's landing gear door was found in the possession of some Madagascan fisherman, providing investigators with a vital new clue to examine.
An analysis has since indicated that the landing gear of flight MH370 was down as it hit the ocean, offering further evidence to suggest that the pilot had been deliberately trying to crash the plane.

Under normal circumstances, if a pilot was forced to make an emergency landing on water, they would keep the landing gear up as it would increase the chances of a controlled, low-speed impact.

With the landing gear down, the plane would have experienced a violent impact and there would have been a much greater chance that it would have broken into pieces upon hitting the water.

"The combination of the high speed impact designed to break up the aircraft and the extended landing gear designed to sink the aircraft as fast as possible both show a clear intent to hide the evidence of the crash," the researchers wrote.

The pilot's motives, however, continue to remain a complete mystery.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (9)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Peterk505 2 years ago
IMO if the pilot wanted to destroy the aircraft why bother with landing gear? Just nose-dive into the sea. To me - landing gear down looks like he was hoping to put it down on land. I did wonder if it could be deployed automatically but Boeing 777-200ER info doesn't mention it.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Eldorado 2 years ago
 “The realistic possibility that the landing gear was lowered shows both an active pilot and an attempt to ensure the plane sank as fast as possible after impact."
Comment icon #3 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 2 years ago
When the craft was turned around and flown all the way across Malaysia, it showed that the pilot was trying to get back to Kula Lumpur  or to land the craft somewhere, so I essentially agree with  @Peterk505.  Obviously the "investigator" has no idea when the landing gear was lowered or why, so he sounds like a fool with his explanation. (my opinion)
Comment icon #4 Posted by qxcontinuum 2 years ago
I agree, the landing gear indicates attempts to land, If the pilot wanted to crash the airplane he could have done it earlier in hundres of other ways.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Roshman 2 years ago
What baffles me is why did he perform all those manoeuvres? There was sea ahead of his scheduled flight path. Maybe he didn't want investigators to find anything. But they did though!
Comment icon #6 Posted by Ell 2 years ago
I have no clue as to what actually happened to that plane. All people do is to speculate.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Jon the frog 2 years ago
  Clue like that can be deceiving, could mean there was a fire. A unidentified fire could have occured and cutted communication. Pilots could have tried differents things before losing consciousness. The airplane continued his course on autopilot. The position of the landing gear could be the indication of a brake fire or maybe the pilots was thinking it was ... Boeing 777 airplanes are concerned because they have main gear (not nose gear) fire detection systems but no fire extinguishing system. Pilots need to open the landing gears to estinguishes brake fires or to bring down the heat in f... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by Roshman 2 years ago
The other question is why put the landing gear down when he must have known he was above open water?
Comment icon #9 Posted by qunaquna 2 years ago
Isn't this kind of old news, random single piece of debri washed on the shore, found by nameless fisherman, blame on the pilot....

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