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World of the Bizarre

19-year-old woman claims an 'evil spirit' made her pregnant

By T.K. Randall
June 3, 2023 · Comment icon 19 comments

Who is the father ? Image Credit: Pixabay / Pexels
The woman, who hails from Colombia, became pregnant despite maintaining that she had never been with a man.
Stories of unexplained pregnancies have been around for years; back in 2021, for example, police in Indonesia investigated the case of a woman who claimed that a 'gust of wind' had left her pregnant.

This more recent example, meanwhile, concerns a young women from Colombia who made local news upon claiming that an 'evil spirit' was responsible for her unexpected pregnancy.

She claimed that it had occurred after she had started experiencing a spate of strange dreams and a feeling of a supernatural presence in her bedroom at night.
When she unexpectedly missed her period, her mother had taken her to the gynecologist where it was confirmed that she was indeed with child, despite allegedly having never been with a man.

Even she was somewhat puzzled, however, by exactly how it had happened.

Her story quickly went on to become a topic of heated debate on social media, with some arguing that she had made the whole story up and others backing her up with references to similar stories.

Ultimately, we may never know for sure exactly who or what was responsible.

Source: Oddity Central | Comments (19)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #10 Posted by Orphalesion 1 year ago
Ooooh, it's the anti-christ! 
Comment icon #11 Posted by Guyver 1 year ago
Actually, that’s kind of a big win right there.  If the child is a product of a demon, it could be the Antichrist.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Abramelin 1 year ago
I wonder if her kid will be able to walk on water...
Comment icon #13 Posted by and-then 1 year ago
I doubt it.  That individual is in place already and can rise to power when the time is right.  To accept that this "demon seed" was the AC would mean the convergence of the prophecies that we are seeing are just early forerunners.  No way this current world situation doesn't fall into utter chaos in the near term.  
Comment icon #14 Posted by Orphalesion 1 year ago
No it's not. Because magical demon pregnancy and the Antichrist are both entirely fictional. I was making a joke. 
Comment icon #15 Posted by Alchopwn 1 year ago
Human Parthenogenesis is not altogether unheard of.  If she is virgo intacta, her claim that there was no father is further supported, even if "evil spirits" seem unlikely.  She has also not ruled out the possibility that she was molested while asleep, which apparently is far easier to do than most people suppose according to some jailbirds I have had the misfortune to drink with.  I mean it is far better to blame evil spirits than admit that you had a r@pist hobo living in your wall.  All the same, I hope if she keeps the baby she calls him Damien if it is a boy.
Comment icon #16 Posted by Nicolette 1 year ago
You guys might be laughing because it sounds ridiculous but i empathize with her. This sounds similar to how it happened for me. I had a nightmare of getting abducted ( it was clearly a dream differentiating from my actual experiences) and woke up in a panic thinking a demon was gripping my stomach and trying to get the baby. It was a dream but i felt right then that i was pregnant due to my panic over keeping the baby safe. I put that up to the weird dreams pregnancy causes. This is the day i supposedly conceived according to the doctor. It was confusing because i had left my husband and was ... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by Nicolette 1 year ago
I kind of empathize with her. This sounds similar to how it happened for me. I had a nightmare of getting abducted ( it was clearly a dream differentiating from my actual experiences) and woke up in a panic thinking a demon was gripping my stomach and trying to get the baby. It was a dream but i knew right then i was pregnant. I put that up to the weird dreams pregnancy causes. This is the day i supposedly conceived according to the doctor. It was confusing because i had left my husband and was isolated in the woods with my mom. He didn't believe it was his baby because the ******* doctor told... [More]
Comment icon #18 Posted by Orphalesion 1 year ago
Oh I agree that something horrible having happened to her is the most likely situation. She either was drugged, as you say, is trying to conceal what happened to her due to various reasons or this is her coping mechanism.
Comment icon #19 Posted by OverSword 1 year ago
I bet it was her father or sibling and that’s why she won’t name the father.

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