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Scientist suggests that humans could theoretically live for 20,000 years

By T.K. Randall
August 9, 2023 · Comment icon 19 comments

Would you even want to live for 20,000 years ? Image Credit: Pixabay / Peggychoucair
A professor of molecular biogerontology has indicated that humans could potentially live for much longer than we do now.
Mankind has been obsessed with gaining immortality for thousands of years, but even despite the incredible advances in science and medicine achieved over the last few centuries, our species still remains just as vulnerable to the aging process as our ancestors were millions of years ago.

In the not-too-distant future, however, advances in medical technology could very realistically offer the opportunity to turn back the clock and might eventually be able to stop it entirely.

Enter Joao Pedro de Magalhaes - a professor of molecular biogerontology at the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing at the University of Birmingham, England.

By studying the genomes of long-lived animals such as bowhead whales and naked mole rats, he has determined that - by eliminating aging on a cellular level - it should be possible for humans to live for thousands of years (possibly even as much as 20,000 years).
There is one catch, though - such a feat would require scientists to reprogram our cells - something that is currently impossible with today's technology.

"I actually did some calculations years ago and found that if we could 'cure' human aging, average human life span would be more than 1,000 years," Magalhaes told Scientific American.

"Maximum life span, barring accidents and violent death, could be as long as 20,000 years."

"This may sound like a lot, but some species can already live hundreds of years—and in some cases thousands of years."

Source: Scientific American | Comments (19)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #10 Posted by josellama2000 1 year ago
Well it depends, if you will be forced to keep your wife for 20,000 years...
Comment icon #11 Posted by DJansen 1 year ago
Hard pass
Comment icon #12 Posted by Trelane 1 year ago
I think our mortality is actually a blessing.
Comment icon #13 Posted by FlyingAngel 1 year ago
It could be possible when we could replacing each organs. Which leave only the head and the skin aging.
Comment icon #14 Posted by openozy 1 year ago
They can't get enough aged care workers now.
Comment icon #15 Posted by josellama2000 1 year ago
good point, the question about trans-humanism is how much of yourself could be replaced with you still being you? second question about social zoology, you are what you believe you are or you are what other believe you are? third question about reality, don't we have something else to do?
Comment icon #16 Posted by Shadowsfall 1 year ago
I think overcrowding might become a problem…..nature likes to balance things one in/one out…
Comment icon #17 Posted by Roshman 1 year ago
Pensions would be the equivalent of $25 per week. (Ratio of workers v retired.)
Comment icon #18 Posted by godnodog 1 year ago
I grt your point, but I certainly am not that pessimistic, if that were too happen they would have to go into a permanent hiding, with tight security 24-7 snd a permanent paranoia. Theres are movies about a similar topics, there's rhe one with Matt Damon and the other with (?) Justin Timberlake. Also it would not be in their best financial interests as people with experience and good health are just more productive. One of the things I've seen scientists complain is when someone dies all of their life experience  is lost, there just are things that are not transmitted.
Comment icon #19 Posted by MissJatti 1 year ago
Then the Earth will become over populated

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