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Browsing news and articles:

Could gamma-ray bursts explain the apparent lack of alien civilizations ?

5-2-2024 | 26

A type of rare, though extremely energetic and deadly cosmic event is able to wipe out whole planets.


Could we find alien 'dinosaurs' on distant extrasolar worlds ?

11-20-2023 | 10

Scientists have come up with a way to find planets capable of supporting dinosaur-like extraterrestrial creatures.

Space & Astronomy

Giant worlds: how big is the largest planet in the universe ?

8-18-2023 | 0

Jupiter is pretty big, but there are other, much larger planets to be found lurking in the depths of the cosmos.

Space & Astronomy

How the James Webb will help us find life on other worlds

7-20-2022 | 0

Two astrophysicists explore the possibilities of using the new telescope to analyze the atmospheres of extrasolar planets.

Space & Astronomy

Aliens could use rogue planets as spaceships

6-6-2022 | 29

A new study has suggested that extraterrestrials could hitch a ride across the cosmos on rogue extrasolar worlds.

Space & Astronomy

Total number of discovered exoplanets now exceeds 5,000

3-28-2022 | 0

Over the last 30 years, scientists have succeeded in identifying a staggering 5,000 planets in distant solar systems.

Space & Astronomy

Our galaxy has 300 million habitable planets

11-11-2020 | 4

A new NASA study has revealed just how many potentially habitable worlds there are in our galaxy.

Space & Astronomy

Some stars could host seven habitable planets

8-2-2020 | 5

Other stars may be able to host more than our own solar system's solitary habitable world, a new study suggests.

Space & Astronomy

Planets like Tatooine may actually be common

3-16-2020 | 2

Planets with two suns like Luke Skywalker's homeworld may be as common as planets orbiting a solitary star.

Space & Astronomy

139 new 'minor planets' found beyond Neptune

3-13-2020 | 4

Scientists have announced the discovery of 139 new objects situated in the far reaches of our solar system.

Space & Astronomy

Thousands of planets could orbit a black hole

11-26-2019 | 4

It turns out that planets could orbit a black hole in much the same way as our own planet orbits the Sun.

Space & Astronomy

Doomed planets 'call out' across the cosmos

8-11-2019 | 1

Astrophysicists have discovered a way to detect the surviving cores of planets orbiting white dwarf stars.

Space & Astronomy

Two new Earth-like exoplanets discovered

6-19-2019 | 18

The new worlds are so much like our own that both are now on a list of the 19 planets most likely to support life.


ET 'habitable zone' is smaller than thought

6-12-2019 | 28

According to a new study, many planets in the so-called habitable zone can only support single-celled organisms.

Space & Astronomy

Nearest exoplanet has potential to support life

4-16-2019 | 10

Scientists have determined that planets orbiting red dwarf stars may be capable of supporting primitive life.

Space & Astronomy

NASA cooks up an alien atmosphere on Earth

3-16-2019 | 0

Scientists at JPL have been working to simulate the atmospheric conditions found on 'hot Jupiter' planets.

Space & Astronomy

Bizarre solar system is baffling astronomers

10-16-2018 | 6

Four gargantuan planets have been observed orbiting a relatively young star approximately 500 light years away.

Space & Astronomy

Universe may be teeming with water-worlds

8-18-2018 | 7

Scientists have determined that a significant percentage of planets in our galaxy may be covered in water.

Space & Astronomy

Planet is so hot that even metal evaporates

8-16-2018 | 5

The extrasolar planet known as Kelt-9b is so hot that its atmosphere contains vaporized iron and titanium.

Space & Astronomy

More distant Earth-sized worlds discovered

6-9-2018 | 8

Astronomers have found a solar system 160 light years away with three planets roughly the size of our own.

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