Archaeologists believe that the mysterious structure was built around 7,000 years ago.
Recent research has cast new light on how the ancient Egyptians might have constructed the pyramids of Giza.
The mystery of an unknown god referenced in inscriptions from the ancient city of Palmyra has finally been solved.
A new study has suggested that evidence of ancient Martian life may only exist two meters beneath the surface.
A controversial new book claims that the hobbit-like Homo floresiensis may not have actually gone extinct.
Archaeologists have been learning much about the Nubian civilization that once flourished in ancient Sudan.
It is now believed that the ancient device might have first started operating on December 22nd, 178 B.C.
The discovery, which dates back to the 14th-Century, has been described as 'remarkable'.
Revealed by the Israel Antiquities Authority back in December, the ring shows a shepherd boy holding a sheep.
Tracks left by an ancient human ancestor in what is now Crete could be much older than previously believed.
Traces of the ancient South American city can still be found in the roads and structures of modern Mexico.
The 4,000-year-old rock formation known as Al Naslaa is split so perfectly that it almost looks laser cut.
For thousands of years, stories and fables have contained clues about our planet's geological history.
Ancient Babylonian land surveyors developed their own form of trigonometry 1,000 years before the Greeks.
Scientists have discovered an ancient species of worm-like amphibian in Florida for the first time.
NASA's Curiosity rover has discovered that evidence of ancient life on the Red Planet may have been scrubbed.
Named 'Nesher Ramla Homo', this previously unknown species of human walked the Earth 120,000 years ago.
A bizarre deep-sea species of brittle star is the sole survivor of 180 million years of time and evolution.
Archaeologists have discovered a jar that was once used to bestow a deadly curse on 55 people.
Archaeologists discovered the tombs at the Al-Hamidiyah cemetery in the desert 240 miles southeast of Cairo.