Archaeologists have discovered ancient drawings thought to have been created by a long lost civilization.
This curious drawing is found in the manuscript of a book written in the 16th-Century by Franz Helm.
A depiction of a ghost dating back 3,500 years has been found deep in the vaults of the British Museum.
Drawn by the Maestro himself, the small sketch of a bear's head has sold for a record-breaking sum.
A woman who had been looking for her cat found a mysterious hole with a strange drawing hidden inside it.
A chalk drawing of the Virgin Mary has mysteriously reappeared 13 years after it had faded away.
The long-lived spacecraft went into fault protection mode last week after unexpectedly drawing too much power.
Researchers have used an artificial intelligence to identity previously unseen drawings on the desert floor.
A new study has reignited the debate over the mysterious line drawings and why they were created.
The way our ancestors hunted prey may have given them a significant advantage over the Neanderthals.
Scientists at NASA have been drawing up plans for the demolition of the International Space Station.
Ancient cave drawings found in Indonesia show that early Europeans weren't the only ones creating art.
Up until the accident Pip Taylor was almost completely useless at drawing and sketching.
Wildlife researchers came across the prehistoric rock-art while searching for white-lipped peccaries.
Early cave-dwellers were better able to depict animals in drawings than their modern counterparts.
A new exhibition will showcase Leonardo Da Vinci's remarkably accurate drawings of the human body.
A controversial cave drawing has spurred debate on whether or not it constitutes proof of creationism.
Mystery surrounds a series of drawings and symbols on a Pictish tablet that could be an ancient language.
A mysterious charcoal drawing thought to be by MC Escher has turned up in Italy that shows the Loch Ness Monster.
A paper has been published demonstrating the impossibility of the concept of vampires, drawing upon the fact that if vam...