A woman dressed as a mermaid was performing at an aquarium when a large fish almost swallowed up her head.
An infamous 'creature' made from an amalgamation of other animals has been subjected to X-ray and CT scans.
The Little Mermaid might be mythological, but stories of mermaids have been told all across the world for thousands of years.
Archaeologists have unearthed the skeleton of a woman who was buried on a bed adorned with images of mermaids.
A recent test of a 'mermaid mummy' in Japan has generated renewed interest in the phenomenon.
Researchers have posted up an eerie image showing the human-like silhouette of a large cephalopod.
The remains of what some people believe to be a genuine mermaid can be found at Ryuguji temple.
Scientists have been using a diving robot to recover valuables from a famous 17th century shipwreck.
Manatees and dugongs have long been connected with stories of sirens, mermaids and other myths.
A prophet in Zimbabwe, Simbarashe Kamupondera, drowned in a river while performing a cleansing ritual.
In an unusual announcement the US government has assured people that mermaids most likely don't exist.
An organisation in America devoted to defending the rights of mermaids is thought to be suing the Israeli city that earl...
A spate of sightings of alleged Mermaids in Israel have created quite a stir in the country, one town council is offerin...
Reports of a mermaid in San Jose, while turning out to be fake have nonetheless attracted flocks of people to the marine...