Nature & Environment
Mermaid-like squid captured on deep-sea cam
T.K. RandallNovember 6, 2019 ·
Could sightings like this have been the origin of the mermaid myth ? Image Credit: NOAA
Researchers have posted up an eerie image showing the human-like silhouette of a large cephalopod.
Sporting what could almost be mistaken for a mermaid's tail and a head of Medusa-like tentacled hair, this ghostly silhouette is actually that of a large squid - a veritable monster in its own right given that some species of deep-sea cephalopod have been rumored to grow up to 66ft in length.
The photograph was captured off the east coast of North America by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) by a camera sled tethered to a research vessel.
The blue object is a remote-operated vehicle which is also equipped with its own camera.
The image has been cited as an example of how early mariners who sailed the seas centuries ago may have mistaken uncommon types of sea creatures for mermaids and other legendary monsters.
It was captured during the NOAA's Deep Search 2019 mission which focused on exploring and documenting deepwater habitats in the Atlantic Ocean.
Some online users have likened the silhouetted squid to a giant spider or scorpion.
"Ever get the feeling you're being watched ?" the image caption reads.
Charlotte Observer |
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Giant Squid, Mermaid
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