Brazilian Athos Salome has been attributed with correctly predicting major events that happened recently.
A man who says that he has extensive insider knowledge has been making some rather questionable claims.
A popular social media user has been making various predictions about what will come to pass in the near future.
Scientists have been attempting to determine whether astrological predictions are any better than random chance.
The mystic, who is attributed with foretelling many major world events, made several predictions about the coming centuries.
The world-famous blind mystic made a great number of chilling predictions about the future before her death.
Toby Ord's 2020 book painted a grim picture of humanity's chances this century, but just how accurate is his prediction ?
Computer scientist Ray Kurzweil is certainly no stranger to making predictions about technology and the future.
The find could fundamentally change our understanding of ice flows and future sea level rise predictions.
The James Webb Space Telescope's mirrors are now aligned and scientists are very impressed with the result.
A prediction from the 1970s has since been corroborated by several independent researchers.
The blind mystic made several notable predictions for the next twelve months - and none of them are good.
The world's most prolific seer made a great number of predictions and many of these have yet to come to pass.
The SpaceX CEO and entrepreneur is certainly no stranger to making overly ambitious predictions.
A book written 70 years ago by German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun made a rather striking prediction.
The blind mystic's predictions for the next twelve months sadly don't sound much better than this year's.
A French film released in 1947 predicted several modern technologies with a remarkable level of accuracy.
Before she passed away, the blind seer made numerous predictions about what would happen in the future.
A man who claims to have traveled back in time has made several predictions about the future.
The blind Eastern European psychic, who died in 1996, made numerous predictions about major world events.