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Metaphysics & Psychology

Baba Vanga's predictions for 2021 revealed

By T.K. Randall
December 24, 2020 · Comment icon 23 comments

Is there any truth to Baba Vanga's predictions ? Image Credit: GFDL
The blind mystic's predictions for the next twelve months sadly don't sound much better than this year's.
Vanga, who was born in Bulgaria in 1911 and died in 1996 aged 85, spent most of her life in the Kozhuh mountains and was renowned the world over for her prophetic predictions about the future.

While a great deal of skepticism has always surrounded the accuracy of these predictions, many people remain adamant that she had successfully foretold a wide range of major global events.

For 2020, she predicted several things including that there would be a tsunami in China, that someone would try to assassinate Russian president Vladimir Putin and that the President of the United States would suffer from 'some sort of health issue' (which could be a reference to Trump getting Covid-19.)

It's certainly no secret that this year has been pretty dire, however it seems that Vanga's predictions for 2021 aren't much better, assuming that there is any truth to them.

For the next 12 months she predicted "a lot of cataclysms and great disasters" as well as "three giants" uniting with a "strong dragon", which some have speculated to be a reference to China.
"Difficult times will come," she said. "We are witnessing devastating events that will change the fate and destiny of humanity."

On a more positive note, she also seemed to suggest that scientists would find a cure for cancer.

"The day will come when cancer will get tied with iron chains," she said.

Could there be any truth to these predictions ?

Only time will tell.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (23)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #14 Posted by Ajay0 4 years ago
 I had read of her predictions years back, and am surprised to see them coming true to a large extent now. Interesting.
Comment icon #15 Posted by Golden Duck 4 years ago
I'm surprised you see them coming true too.
Comment icon #16 Posted by Alispirit 4 years ago
Wonder if Akira Toriyama got inspiration for the Baba with crystal ball character from dragon ball z, from her
Comment icon #17 Posted by President Wearer of Hats 4 years ago
I’d like to see a list, please.
Comment icon #18 Posted by Helen of Annoy 4 years ago
I'll say the same I always say in Baba Vanga's threads: she was an interesting sort of phenomenon. Yes, she mostly did classic cold reading (judging by the recordings of her sessions with her clients), but there was more than that too (judging by testimonies of some people who visited her and whose testimonies I have no reason to distrust). In my opinion, of course. Everyone's slightly "psychic", so when you're a folk psychotherapist (which is what she was in my opinion), you're bound to experience some of the real unexplained phenomena occasionally, such as precognition or telepathy.  Just ... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by Orphalesion 4 years ago
No. That one is based on Baba Yaga, a witch from Slavic folklore. "Baba" just means "granny", so you'll see it often. Baba Vanga then means "Grandma Vanga"    I agree with you that everybody is psychic to a certain degree, but more on a personal and imidiate level. I have trouble believing that somebody can create accurate prophecies about the far future.  However now that you mention all this... Since Baba Vanga was from Bulgaria I assume a lot of primary sources concerning her and her "predictions" are probably written in Cyrillic and/or in languages few (if any) of the Conspiriots, New A... [More]
Comment icon #20 Posted by Helen of Annoy 4 years ago
Exactly.  I declare you a honorary Slav     Sometimes you or me or anyone gets very clear feeling that certain situation will end up in very specific way, which is not really expected. And that turns out to be correct. Only we can never really "prove" it wasn't just a coincidence, confirmation bias etc. While very real and clear when it happens, to the one who experiences it, it's just too irrational to be insisted upon. Doesn't matter, what matters that people usually do pay attention to their intuition, which can be very beneficial. Unless they're insane, of course.  I agree, it's usuall... [More]
Comment icon #21 Posted by Helen of Annoy 4 years ago
And I also forgot to say something substantial   Here it is:  There are no sources. You spot an article, usually in the West too, but obligatory in my part of the world, advertising "Baba Vanga's prediction" for this year, about this or that... but no original text or recording, no names of witnesses who wrote it down, no date when she gave the prediction... nothing.    If anyone stumbles upon a source, I will more than gladly take a look and compare it with the contents of my mind's attic  
Comment icon #22 Posted by Orphalesion 4 years ago
Well I do have some Polish ancestry. I know very little about it though.   If that anecdote is true, then I'd still call it something that was "immediate" to her and I could believe it. It would be similar to how some people can tell that a natural disaster is coming. Or I've once read and article that people during WW II developed a "sixth sense" about when air raids would take place (even when the weather wasn't conductive to successful raids). So I could definitely see her sensing a change in the "Spiritus Mundi" so to say.  On the personal level I do know some events from my own life. No... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by Helen of Annoy 4 years ago
I knew it! I felt the vibe... kidding. Actually, I had no idea      And from my own experience, it's true. Extreme situations (such as wars) mobilize everything you've got, sixth sense included, even if you didn't believe in that stuff at all.  And it's not just own sixth sense, there are for example dreams that instruct you in more or less symbolic way what to do or not to do. You know when it happens, what the dream was telling you.  And it's not just humans, my grandmother's sister had a cat who knew what a particular day in 1990's war will be like. If shelling was about to be heavy,... [More]

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