Astronomers have been exploring whether these huge stellar explosions could be acting as deep space beacons.
SETI astronomers are looking for signs of extraterrestrial communications within the vicinity of a large stellar explosion.
In a world first, astronomers have had the opportunity to watch a red supergiant exploding in real time.
One of the brightest stars in the night sky is exhibiting signs that its explosive demise might not be far away.
A new study has linked a 2.6 million-year-old supernova explosion with our ancestors' move to bipedalism.
A new study has suggested that the world's largest ever shark may have been wiped out by an exploding star.
Scientists have identified what they believe to be the first known depiction of an exploding star.
A massive and volatile star located 7,500 light years away is on the verge of going supernova.
Astronomers have determined that white dwarf stars can suddenly spring back to life and explode.
A powerful supernova in a distant galaxy has produced the largest gamma ray burst ever detected.
A mysterious red cross in the sky in 774AD may have been a previously unrecognised supernova explosion.
If nearby star Betelgeuse goes supernova we could end up with two suns in the sky.
A Japanese observatory has discovered glowing embers 10,000 times hotter than the Sun left behind following a supernova....
The European Space Agency's new orbital space telescope has observed the death throes of the largest star known to scien...
Nearby star Betelgeuse has been noticably shrinking over the past decade indicating that it may by now have gone superno...