Phillip Tilley
The poor pay more
December 24, 2007 |
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The money matrix is set up to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. One of the mechanisms used in this sinister process is to simply make the poor pay more. Perhaps you’ve experienced it yourself. It is an unconscionable act to make those who are least able to pay have to pay more for everything.For example, an ad for a new car valued at $25,000 said, “no interest financing OAC”. OAC means on approved credit. Mr. Alverez went in to buy a new car. After checking his credit rating the dealer said Mr. Alverez did not qualify for the 0% financing. They could finance him at 10% interest over the life of a five year loan. A rich person with an excellent credit rating could get the car on a zero interest loan over five years for a total cost of $25,000. Mr. Alverez could get the car on a 10% interest loan over five years for a total cost of $37,500. That means Mr. Alverez has to pay 50% more for the same car. That’s $12,500 more. That’s very interesting!
The Bankers say they are justified in doing this because research has shown that people with poor credit ratings generally have a tough time making their payments in a timely manner and default more frequently than people with good credit. On top of that, history has shown that past behaviors are a good prediction for future behavior. Loaning to poor people is a risk and they must charge more to make up for those who default. It almost sounds convincing, and they have gotten away with it for so long that nobody questions this cleverly deceptive practice. In reality it is a case of cause and effect. Perhaps poor people have a tough time paying on time or at all because they are being charged more for everything! Mr. Alverez can afford a $25,000 car but not a $37,500 car. And the car is just one example and only the tip of the conspiracy. Next is the insurance on the car. Again because he is poor he pays more for insurance based on his credit rating. And if he has credit cards he also pays a higher interest rate on them. Rich people qualify for 2% or 0% on their credit cards. Add to that a high interest sub-prime mortgage for his house and you have a real problem.
America is supposed to be the land of opportunity. I’m not asking for any special treatment for the poor or the middle class which is soon to be poor. All I’m suggesting is that these people be given the same opportunity the rich people get. But then again, the money matrix was cleverly designed to keep poor people poor and in their place. We have laws against discriminating for race, religion, or marital status. Yet it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against the poor. At its basics it is racism. Let’s face it, the poor have names like Alverez and Washington. So just what is a poor person to do? Confront them on the issue. Tell them if they can’t give you the same deal they offer the rich guy you’ll take your business somewhere else. You may try this on six or eight or eleven dealers, but eventually you’ll get a better deal. Mr. Alverez did. Incidentally, two months later Mr. Alverez was called to a residence to give a bid on a landscaping job. It turned out to be the first car dealer that wanted to charge him the high interest. Mr. Alverez told him he would have to check the mans credit rating before he could give a bid. The car dealer protested. Mr. Alverez said, “Oh, everyone is doing it these days. I have to know what your ability to pay is before I know how much I can charge you”!
I don’t have any money to pay is a poor excuse. It must be, the poor use it all the time. You see, if there is no money and the money matrix is only a numbers game, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. You just need to understand the rules and turn the tables on the rich. Making the poor pay more and then calling them a bad risk becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. They are at risk because they must pay more. They must think we are stupid. If it doesn’t insult your intelligence, wake up people, the money matrix has you!
Phillip Tilley is the author of The Money Matrix of the New World Order and other articles.
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