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T. Stokes

Where have all the skeptics gone ?

January 26, 2008 | Comment icon 28 comments
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With the release of suppressed U.F.O files from all around the world, and the promise of other Governments to follow suit, a universal quiet has descended, and the usual scoffers have remained very tight lipped, statements from former astronauts have added to the mass of knowledge now in the public domain. Similarly with the usage of E.V.P and the now new technology, where whole conversations can be snatched from the past in A.E.V.P (Advanced E.V.P) has left many former skeptics in a quandary, the listening and taping of sounds and voices from the silent ether, was documented with curiosity by spymaster Peter Wright the writer of “spycatcher” while inventing and experimenting with eavesdropping devices during the Cyprus crisis. The knowledge that every single U S President since the start of W.W.II has employed astrologers, is defended by senior staff by the statement; “ we may employ astrologers but that does not mean we take their advice”.

Paranormal investigators now use some very hi-tech kit at haunted locations, and skeptics outwitted by experts, science and experience, have become confused and hostile. Prof. J. Manning has endorsed the findings of palmists across the world in his digit comparison studies, and American University research last month under Leif Neilson confirmed that Numerology has a scientific base that is verifiable and repeatable. Last year hostility from skeptics to my talks on the paranormal, reached a crescendo when at the Red Lion hall, the lady who seats people was punched in the face and the whole meeting broken up by jeering rowdies. Top researcher Victor Zammit offers a million pounds for proof of skeptical claims, in the same way Phrenology and Psychology were debunked. Yet where are the skeptics now ? where are the dissenting voices ? they seem to have slid away back under the floorboards.

Carl Jung called an overly skeptical mind-frame, “Misodneism” and with its links to Atheism and Communism, saw it as unhealthy and linked it to depression, which the British Medical Journal says will be the biggest killer of people by the year 2012. But there is wisdom in the rubbish, we must question the current belief of those who pay high prices for Jesus tokens, curse removal or believe mass produced newspaper solar-scopes, and pay huge sums for bottles of Quabbalah water to bless their homes children and bank accounts, and you can buy instant tuning to be healers for large monetary sums, those who allow gypsies into their homes for lucky heather and scam readings, are only surpassed by the adverts for send me an angel to watch over me for 50 dollars, unfortunately there is as much fakery in the paranormal as in skepticism, but public skepticism has led the British government to damage limitation exercises which have extended to, a fit-up over the death of Dr. David Kelly, a laughable Iraq inquiry and now years on, one on Princess Diana, all of course with pre-determined outcomes.
The disbelief in the official line has brought in a new word to our vocabulary for double speak; “Rumsfelding” buyer beware.

T Stokes

* No skeptics quacks or nutters were harmed during the writing of this article Comments (28)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #19 Posted by Alex01 17 years ago
but the believers are outnumbering you....theres a war on the truth going in the skys eric you might see something. First of all this is not a 'war'. And second, there are more believers because todays society is easilly influenced, manipulated, lied to, by the media. Basically, today's society believes everything they see on TV and on Youtube.... wich isn't exactly good. What they put on TV isnt' exactly 'evidence', well this is a complicated subject you you get the basic idea. Just look around you and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Comment icon #20 Posted by MacDDT 17 years ago
Skepticism works both ways for me, I ain't biased I question everything, lol! especially authority (governments etc etc) the higher & mightier they are the more suspect i am. ''Think'' for yourselves. Other wise we may as well be blindfolded and led around on a leash. But thats just me... I completely agree ! I know some people think I'm an sometimes, but how can I get any answers if I don't ask any questions, To me blind faith is an amoebic way to live your life
Comment icon #21 Posted by SparkOfOm 17 years ago
todays society is easilly influenced, manipulated, lied to, by the media You mean today's western society, most especially american society, is easily influenced.. by the 'establishment' media. There are alternative news stations and web sites that offer a different perspective. Not just the political / business narrative that floods US airwaves. And with so many of these establishments all writing the same pre determined narrative it's no wonder that people begin to believe them. Brainwashed by them. It's like a wall of media lies with their own agendas and special interests. Noone has the gu... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by Wallydraigle 17 years ago
You mean today's western society, most especially american society, is easily influenced.. by the 'establishment' media. There are alternative news stations and web sites that offer a different perspective. Not just the political / business narrative that floods US airwaves. And with so many of these establishments all writing the same pre determined narrative it's no wonder that people begin to believe them. Brainwashed by them. It's like a wall of media lies with their own agendas and special interests. Noone has the guts to speak about actual relevant subjects in the world today, well not m... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by the_UNKNOWN_DEAD 17 years ago
Would Coast to Coast,, et al be examples of "good media"? Of course!! Only they tell "the truth". They won't be oppressed by "the man". ...and that pesky little thing called evidence, well, they don't need any of that. Everyone knows scientific evidence is "controlled" by the government. (Pardon me while I wash this taste of credulousness out of my mouth.)
Comment icon #24 Posted by SparkOfOm 17 years ago
Everyone knows scientific evidence is "controlled" by the government. Of course it's controlled. Such as the case of climate research and climate change. The paper was already approved by government scientists. But a Bush White House official 'edited government reports in ways that played down links between global warming and emissions.' This government official is a former oil industry advocate. The craziest part of all this is that this guy is the chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality. How absurd is that? Bush aide 'edited climate papers' another link Bush Aide ... [More]
Comment icon #25 Posted by Oen Anderson 17 years ago
If there is a depression in 2012 it might be a leading cause of death.
Comment icon #26 Posted by kobie 17 years ago
They're all here on Unexplained Mysteries .com LMAO...yes rebal truely rite,they have crawled to the forums with bated breath to create a fanatical skeptics belief system like did osma! They forever will never give in,there will always be somthing new to shunt! like when they didnt believe the earth was round, the earth traveled AROUND the sun or the best one yet UFO'... with all onestly though it doesnt hurt and is healthy for one to approach a subject with some caution and respect, either way it will allways make a god film or story!
Comment icon #27 Posted by kobie 17 years ago
The world as we no it is a controlled and well monitored sim game simply put, we live in a world of lies,and cover-ups and cappin census.
Comment icon #28 Posted by Open your mind 17 years ago
I'm skeptical about this

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