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T. Stokes

Genuine or fake - medium Doris Stokes ?

February 12, 2008 | Comment icon 5 comments
Image Credit: stockxpert
Some years ago a well spoken gentleman would attend many of my talks on new age spirit, alternative therapies and the paranormal, and take issue with what I said, he was always polite, and after a while at each meeting, I would look for his face at the back of the hall. We would chat afterwards and I was impressed with his knowledge, but felt his ideas on the bible conflicted with both science and fact, over time I would always ask him when a talk ended to give the other side of things, its good to hear both sides of an issue, and this he did well, I felt that to be confined to the bible meant you were cut off from the joy of the Koran and the Upanishads and other spiritual philosophies. As the months ran into years I got to know him quite well, and learnt he had connections to the Evangelical church and higher education, he told me one of the universities intended conducting a series of tests on some well known psychics, and would I care to be an official observer.

So while I would have preferred to have been on the judging panel, I was happy to observe and make notes, all this in a superb medieval building. The first lady before the judging panel was demonstrating “psychometry.” She was given four envelopes, each with an object inside, which she had to hold, and could then write her thoughts down for 10 minutes only. Now this lady was superb, in one instance she said a brooch belonged to a lady now dead from a cancerous condition, the brooch was now the property of her son who had a large beard, shoulder length brown hair, glasses and a stoop, and he could be an Archaeologist or similar. This was a perfect description of one of the research observers whose brooch it was, she scored very high on all points, with all four items. Another lady demonstrating mediumship, was a waste of space, I do not know where they found her but she had no ability at all, all she showed us was guess work, she was a bit full of herself, and was an embarrassment. The well spoken Evangelical chap, although I admired his bible expertise, was very anti- psychic ability, small minded and expected it all to be fake.

An open mind is the most important part in any investigation, and is no place for those with the diseases of closed mindedness or entrenched scepticism. Next was Doris Stokes a while before she came famous, it was felt there was no way she could have known the things she said, while the scientific test was not perfect, it never is-she did describe in detail, several dead relatives to the judges, and gave various mannerisms and birthdays, I could see the panel were very sceptical, when they should have been impartial, yet they were silently impressed. This was the same well spoken Evangelical man, who led the hate campaign, as soon as Doris had died, in saying she was fake, his church has made the same claim about Derek Acorah and now James Van Pragh. Now I have never seen Derek or James at work, but I was there when Doris told publisher Robert Maxwell intimate details over the dinner table of how he would die, and this proved absolutely right in every respect, and while Doris and i disagreed on specifics of spirit contact and much else, i still believe she was genuine. It was unfortunate in the tests that I saw, that no real paranormal experts were present, a couple of psychologists tried to dominate the panel, but you cannot use the knowledge gained in psychology for assessing psychic ability, it is the wrong tool for the job.
Psychologists cannot even agree among themselves, the prognosis given by a Freudian analyst, will differ drastically to that of a Jungian, and particularly that of an Adlerian therapist. Breakfast television one morning around 30 years ago had 2 guests, medium Doris Stokes, And the author of the famous expose book on freemasonry Stephen Knight, now I have known some wonderful upright and honourable men who were freemasons, but Stephens book explained that at very high levels it was linked to devil worship. Doris told him on this breakfast T V programme, in front of all the viewers that “he would be killed for his book” Now a friend of mine said his daughter went swimming with Stephen knights daughter, and he knew him and he was very fit, and the chances of him dropping dead were laughable, I asked if he could get my copy of the book autographed and he agreed. Yet some weeks later Stephen Knight aged 33 years of age did in fact die suddenly,
Exactly as Doris had said. Now I was closely connected with the security services at this time, and I asked questions about his death, opinions varied as to it being co-incidence to a rumour that he was hit by a deep tissue ray that made his brain almost melt inside his skull. Another senior admiralty figure and a patriotic mason said the ray if used, would bring him out in brain tumours.

So while in agreement that the talent and skills many psychics and mediums are very questionable, Doris Stokes was voted in all official tests as genuine. Her books “voices in my ear” are still bought by seekers of spiritual knowledge, before you make up your mind, why not read them yourself.

* Finally in the interest of balance the masons wrote a book giving answers to Stephen Knights book, and this too is a superb read.

T. Stokes. Comments (5)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by JR901 17 years ago
I used to watch Doris on TV when she came to Australia many years ago , she was amazing and a sweet dear , very compassionate lady. I also remember seeing a skeptic called James Randy(?) who was very brutal and insulting, he was interviewed on the DonLane show and Don Lane actually got really angry with him and told him on camera exactly what he thought of him to the point where Don lost his temper completely defending Doris and told Randy to "P**S Off!"..saying that on TV way back then was unheard of, and without the bleeps! Dons ratings went through the roof, not with what he said but becaus... [More]
Comment icon #2 Posted by hetrodoxly 17 years ago
I used to watch Doris on TV when she came to Australia many years ago , she was amazing and a sweet dear , very compassionate lady. I also remember seeing a skeptic called James Randy(?) who was very brutal and insulting, he was interviewed on the DonLane show and Don Lane actually got really angry with him and told him on camera exactly what he thought of him to the point where Don lost his temper completely defending Doris and told Randy to "P**S Off!"..saying that on TV way back then was unheard of, and without the bleeps! Dons ratings went through the roof, not with what he said but becaus... [More]
Comment icon #3 Posted by JR901 17 years ago
I think she thought she was genuine? Who knows ,I'd like to think she was, I think everyone has a right to an opinion but theres ways of expressing that , without the animosity like Randy showed.If people choose not to believe then thats their choice,those who do believe and it gives the comfort, then so be it. I just saw her as a sweet lady who didnt deserve the verbal abuse she got at the time.
Comment icon #4 Posted by theQ 17 years ago
Some have the gift and some fake the gift.
Comment icon #5 Posted by MissBookay 17 years ago
I strongly believe this lady had an ability that us mere mortals cannot understand or try to fathom out. As for Derek Acorah. Having seen him and having spoken to him i think he is just a very clever man who knows how to read people and therefore in my opinion (and this is only my opinion) i feel the guy has no mediumship ability whatsoever.

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