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Paul Dale Roberts

A haunting in West Roseville

September 6, 2008 | Comment icon 2 comments
Image Credit: HPI
I think maybe I am a ghosthunter, because I have the worse luck in dating women. Ghosthunting keeps my time occupied. It keeps my creative juices flowing. This weekend, I had a date with a gorgeous red-haired Russian girl and I made her a nice porkchop dinner and poured her a fine Brandy mixed with Coke. I noticed that she was staring at her drink for a long period of time. I asked her what was wrong. With a snooty remark she says…”I told you I wanted 2 pieces of ice, not 5”. I knew the night was going to turn sour from here on out. When we went dancing at Cache Creek Casino’s Club 88, I listened to her insult the people she watched on the dance floor, she made fun of the band and insulted a woman that made conversation with us and told her the reason why she can’t have fun, is because she has too many kids. At some point of time, she said the music was horrendous and asked if I could drive her home. So, I am taking this hot lean tall gorgeous Russian girl home. A woman decked to the hilt, with backless black skirt on and legs to her neck. Instead of the chemistry flowing, it was a long quiet drive back home. I am glad, I can shake the experience and move on with something I have a passion for. That passion is for ghosthunting and ghostwriting.

On August 1, 2008 Friday, I committed myself to do a preliminary private residence paranormal investigation in West Roseville. I had the opportunity to interview three people at this residence. I interviewed Julie (who lives at this haunted residence), James (her son), and George Rodriguez (a friend that visits her often at this residence). Below are the results of my interviews and investigation:

Interview with James:
James was on computer a week ago. Listening to music on headphones. James heard breathing next to him. It sounded like “ahhhhh”. James lived in a previous home and in this home, he felt like he had a cold hand that grabbed him. The occupants of the West Roseville home, do not feel like the entities of their previous home, followed them to their new home.

Interview with Julie:
Julie lived for 5 years in a haunted home in Rocklin, before moving to West Roseville home. Julie felt this home was haunted because when she moved in, she felt uneasy. She also felt paranoid, always locking doors and windows, she says she felt insecure. Julie gets up one morning, she walks out of her room, she could hear people in the kitchen. She heard people laughing, cabinets opening, people talking. When she goes into the kitchen, there is no one there. Another occupant of the house said he felt floating cold spots in the house and felt the cold spots were moving towards him. Julie once saw a little girl apparition. The little girl was standing in the hallway looking at Julie. The little girl was wearing a bonnet and nightgown, that seemed to be from another period of time. The little girl had a sad look and was looking directly at Julie. On some nights Julie would have the comforter pulled off of her. The entities of this home would scare her little dog Boo. One night Julie went to bed and her ear was on the pillow. Julie could hear people far away talking. When she lifted her head from the pillow, the voices were gone. Other activities at this home included:

a. Hearing a what sounded like a knife being dragged across wood.

b. Cabinets, cupboards would open and close in the bathroom.

c. Water sounded like it would come on by itself. When checking the water was not on.

d. Motion detector lights would go off and on in the closet.

When Julie moved into the new home in West Roseville, everything was okay until she had a garage sale. Julie heard a crashing sound from her closet, when she investigated, there was nothing that fell. She has heard a multitude of noises in her home. When she went towards the staircase, everything was silent again. The noises were thumps and bangs from various areas of her home. On another night, she heard what sounded like a ball thumping on the floor in her closet.

Interview with George Rodriguez:
George is familiar with the paranormal, because his parents bought a home, that was once a bar. The history of this old home that was a bar, is that a major fight ensued during the time it was a bar and a patron was stabbed and died in the bar. George would clean this home when it was up for rent. George would always feel uncomfortable at this home. The home spooked him. When this home was a bar, there was a living quarters that was attached to the bar. George was able to stay in this home when he was younger, rent free from his parents. George said that the most activity was the back room where the safe was. One day in that room, George and his son felt an energy tornado near them. It was spinning counter clockwise and before they knew it, the energy tornado was gone. The energy whirlwind sounded like a portal for entities to go in and out from our reality and into their reality. On another night, at 3am George heard the loudest crash in this home. George says it vibrated the wall and it sounded like a car crashed into the wall. When George and his son investigated there was no indication that anything crashed into their home.
The activities of this home included lights going off and on in one particular room, even when lights were replaced, electrical outlets checked, it would still happen. Julie experienced getting grabbed in the back of the leg in the room where the lights would go off and on. Julie once heard the sound of a lot of people kicking the front door and making noise. It sounded like a group of men. George did not hear this incident of the door being kicked. George’s son felt like someone was after him. He felt like a man with a knife was chasing him down. George’s son had no knowledge of this home having a stabbing incident.

George’s son saw a green glowing thing near a wall. This home is in Central Old Roseville near the railroad tracks. George plans to have me spend the night at this home.

I asked George if he ever had any other paranormal experiences. George did have one other paranormal experience, that was not ghostly oriented.

He had a UFO experience. Here is his story: During a Summer night, George and his two friends saw a UFO that was darker than the night sky. This happened in Roseville. The UFO was rectangular. It had what appeared to be Roman numeral Xs across the UFO. It flew normally, but then accelerated at incredible speed. It had no lights and no sound. This happened in the Summer of 1966.

I set out the preliminary investigation of this home after my interview process and took photographs in various rooms of the house. In one room, I call the blue bedroom, there were several pictures of orbs. I set my digital audio recorder in the closet where once there was a loud banging sound and nothing was unsettled in the closet to cause the sound. When listening to my recording, I picked up the sound of a cat meowing and the sound of scraping. I do not recall a cat in the house, but there was a dog in the house named ‘Boo’. The EVP of a possible cat meowing and the scraping sound is inconclusive.

To see pictures of this private investigation, go to this link here:

A lot of my readers have been sending me some great ghost stories and other type of paranormal stories. To see stories such as Ghosts of My Childhood by Julie Lambirth, Saved by an Angel by Charlene Wilson, The Harold Keisner Ghost Story, The Man in West Sac by Laura Miller and Lake Erie's Secret Legend by Jon Gilbert, click on this link here:

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Paranormal Investigative Reporter, Ghosthunter
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Email: JazmaPika@cs.com
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this story).

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright © 2008 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright © 2008 all rights reserved. Comments (2)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Shankpin 16 years ago
I went through a haunting few years ago, and much of what's described here is almost exactly what we experienced- but, it escalated as time went on.. I also experienced a green glowing ball sitting midway between the floor and ceiling. This green ball (from the size of a soccer ball - to tennis ball size) would pulsate. This wasn't a flash of an orb, I sat there and watched this thing for a long time before I actually got bored with it, and went to bed. & The only pic I found interesting was the black shadow one.. But very interesting it is.
Comment icon #2 Posted by MasterPo 16 years ago
Don't know what the story about the Ruskie girl has to do with the paranormal but it was great! Yea, the Russian immigrants can definately have big attitudes. Not just the young women but the men, children, grand parents etc. You're a better man than I am for I wouldn't have taken her to a club after a dinner like that! I hated dating. Glad I'm married now.

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