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Edward Shanahan

Orbs - scientists taking them seriously

February 5, 2009 | Comment icon 22 comments
Image Credit: Wikipedia
Let's start this with a quiz: Who or what has the largest collection of Orb photos? The answer will follow the link in the article. It has pretty much been agreed upon by the paranormal community of Investigators, those individuals who like to be looked at as and feel as they are doing scientific type of research with the paranormal. It pretty much is agreed by the paranormal field of Investigators that Orbs are nothing, nothing at all to do with the paranormal or Spirits.

I have always believed Orbs, at least some, could be something more then dust. The Paranormal community feels that dust is one of the reasons for what is called Orbs, is what is actually showing up in photos, that the Orbs have nothing to do with the paranormal.

Even though I'm involved in the paranormal field, I'm not an Investigator and really have not followed the decision of the majority if my personal internal feelings tell me something different and my feelings have always told me that some Orbs are more then just dust, as there has been locations that I have had groups of people at to experience the paranormal, if the photos filled of Orbs where just dust, we would of been choking on it.

Because of the fact of how the Paranormal community feels about Orbs and I have seen how some people in the general public get put down for posting photos of Orbs on the Internet, I've stayed away from posting images and advise others to also stay away posting images Orbs.

Then by doing research, I came across something of great interest to me and should be of great interest to the individuals who feel that the photos they have of Orbs are something more then just dust.

Scientists are taking Orbs seriously.

When I posted this and also posted that I would have a Professor who is a Researcher for NASA on my Internet radio broadcast of The Unexplained World, there where a few Investigators in the paranormal field who do claim to be working on a scientific level, who were upset to hear that Scientists are taking Orbs seriously. I thought this was strange, that science is taking an interest and many in the paranormal field of Investigations are not happy with it.

Below you will see the description of the broadcast and the link to the archived broadcast.

Scientists are taking Orbs seriously. Dr. Klaus Heinemann, a former research professor at Stanford University and researcher in materials science for NASA, the American space agency is our guest this night and says "There is no doubt in my mind that Orbs may well be one of the most significant outside of this reality phenomena mankind at large has ever witnessed".
Scientists and the science world are feeling and looking at it as a possibility about Orbs being more then what has been said by the Paranormal Field Investigators.

You can hear the archived broadcast with Dr. Klaus Heinemann at:

Answer to the quiz:
The Vatican (Catholic Church), owns the largest collection of Orb photos (stated by Dr. Heinemann in the above broadcast).

Happy Hauntings,

Edward Shanahan

Edward Shanahan is a Paranormal Spiritual Observer,
Psychic Reader / Medium.
His personal web site is

His paranormal web site of photos, locations, videos and more is at:

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© 2009 Edward L. Shanahan Comments (22)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #13 Posted by AlienDan 16 years ago
Orbs in photos are dust. Go slap your couch or kick some dirt and take a photo of the area with a flash on and you'll see.
Comment icon #14 Posted by ShadowSot 16 years ago
Dust... or fog. At night it's likely to be a light fog, or a little bit of water vapor in the air. Or it could be just.
Comment icon #15 Posted by DieChecker 16 years ago
It pretty much is agreed by the paranormal field of Investigators that Orbs are nothing, nothing at all to do with the paranormal or Spirits. I'd agree with that statement. They are just dust in almost all cases, with a few others being something else floating in the air, such as water vapor. my personal internal feelings tell me something different and my feelings have always told me that some Orbs are more then just dust, Some people's feeling tell them to hit people, and others to burn down buildings, or to go take some drugs... Just because you have a feeling does not always make it correc... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by Ghost Ship 16 years ago
Will there one day be a new camera technology that will take care of these orbs? If we knew what they were surely there would be steps for a photographer to take to do away with the pesky orbs. The new orbnot lense or something.
Comment icon #17 Posted by Melioth 16 years ago
It's weird; I have seen photographs of so-called Orbs that are rather mysterious looking from my digital camera. After I've uploaded those photographs, I zoom it in and I see a star-shaped symbol inside of the "Orb(s)." I've seen it in pink and white colors only. This doesn't frequently occur, but I am curious as to what they really are. Meh. It's nothing supernatural. Dust I mean. Orbs are real but the difference is Orbs are alot bigger and most times can be seen with the naked eye.
Comment icon #18 Posted by Edward Shanahan 16 years ago
I would like to mention that the photo in the article, is not mine, I did not include a photo with the article, nor have any on my web sites. Thank You for reading the article and to those who listened to the interview with the NASA researcher. Ed Shanahan The Unexplained World - locations, photos, videos and articles.
Comment icon #19 Posted by NicoleK 16 years ago
I have some photos with orbs in them, which I've never believed to be anything besides dust or something on the lens. The weird thing is I have over 30 orb photos and every one of them has the same person in it. It's my 6 year old son. I have 2 other boys also around the same age and I have millions of pictures. Can anyone explain why the orbs are only in the pictures with him in them.
Comment icon #20 Posted by NicoleK 16 years ago
Wouldn't let me edit my post to add* I know there must be a logical explanation.... I don't think they are actually anything sypernatural...just wanted to know what everyone thought.
Comment icon #21 Posted by eqgumby 16 years ago
The guy (Shanahan) does HOUSE PARTIES! Psychic HOUSE PARTIES! Need we say any more?
Comment icon #22 Posted by Saard 16 years ago
Orbs! They just keep on giving! Sometimes if i'm feeling a bit blue, I like to go on orb websites and read about middle-aged housewives taking pictures of dusty rooms, whittering on about how Gerald or Arthur (who clearly passed on just to get away from them) are still here. And how can you not be cheered up by headlines such as "My Dead Parents' Melon-sized orbs - Noel Edmonds"? For the non-British reading this, I'm not sure if you have an equivalent of Noel Edmonds where you live, but if you have, I hope you've shot him. (I can see the headlines now: "Australian Noel Edmonds becomes an ****-... [More]

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