Paul Dale Roberts
James Norton UFO evidence
March 29, 2011 |
Image Credit: Paul Dale Roberts
John Vasquez, author of ‘Incident at Fort Benning’ contacted me and told me he has a reliable source of the incident at Fort Benning, Georgia. That reliable source is Command Sergeant Major James Norton, who is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama. James Norton was a buck sergeant (E-5) at the time when he witnessed an eerie encounter with UFOs and the military on September 14, 1977. He was sent to the range a little before midnight along with 12 to 1300 troops to perform live fire with their new weapons systems called JAWS (Joint Attack Weapons System). The Secretary of the Army at the time was actually at the range.
He remembers when they started the live fire and all of a sudden there were orbs in the night sky. The next thing he saw was lasers crisscrossing through the sky. The command of ‘cease fire’ was heard, because there was something down range. Military helicopters appeared out of nowhere. Explosions were heard. Orbs in the night sky were changing a variety of different colors. A triangle shaped UFO showed up. The soldiers around Norton were in shock.
After the incident many soldiers became ill. Every soldier was briefed that if they were to disclose any information from this night, they would be court martialed and sent to Leavenworth. When Norton obtained his medical records it disclosed that his illness was of unknown origin, his temperature was 104, he was placed in a steel tub for 2 days in ice water, to bring his temperature down.
He had a memory lapse or as we know it in UFO lore, it is also callled missing time. He could not remember how he was on the range and later found himself in the woods. There was a lot of time disorientation. During a hypnosis session, he learned he was abducted and taken aboard a craft. Medical experiments were conducted and samples were taken from his body.
After the incident two jets came in what were white washed, no numbers were on the jets. The jets were there to collect UFO crash site debris. This is the important part to read from this article:
Norton picked up a metallic piece from the crash site that has strange hieroglyphics on it. This metallic piece cannot be burned. A hacksaw will not cut it, if you bend it, it will go back to its original shape. Norton has this metallic piece BURIED AT HIS PROPERTY! Norton is willing and ready to show this evidence to some credible UFOlogists and to the media! Norton claims he has proof of UFOs being real, with this solid piece of evidence that he held onto since the incident!!
As I continued my interview with Norton, he told me the post was closed for a while after the incident. The military helicopters that were shot down during the incident, were never reported to the FAA. He was burned from a mysterious red substance from this incident. Norton is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama and describes how they experiment with biological and chemical substances on this base and something else is going on. There is UFO activity at this base, it seems that our military is test flying UFOs over the base. Norton has incredible night vision footage of UFOs of all colors taken on the base. He has footage of a UFO going from one horizon to another horizon in a mere 2 seconds. He has video footage of a triangle shaped UFO that hovers over the base, no sound being emitted. He has all of this video footage for any credible UFOlogist to review!
To contact James Norton, please contact me at 916 203 7503 and I will place you in direct contact with Norton via his cell phone.
Norton has the evidence, now it’s time to let the public know the TRUTH about UFOs, let’s see Norton’s evidence! [!gad]John Vasquez, author of ‘Incident at Fort Benning’ contacted me and told me he has a reliable source of the incident at Fort Benning, Georgia. That reliable source is Command Sergeant Major James Norton, who is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama. James Norton was a buck sergeant (E-5) at the time when he witnessed an eerie encounter with UFOs and the military on September 14, 1977. He was sent to the range a little before midnight along with 12 to 1300 troops to perform live fire with their new weapons systems called JAWS (Joint Attack Weapons System). The Secretary of the Army at the time was actually at the range.
He remembers when they started the live fire and all of a sudden there were orbs in the night sky. The next thing he saw was lasers crisscrossing through the sky. The command of ‘cease fire’ was heard, because there was something down range. Military helicopters appeared out of nowhere. Explosions were heard. Orbs in the night sky were changing a variety of different colors. A triangle shaped UFO showed up. The soldiers around Norton were in shock.
After the incident many soldiers became ill. Every soldier was briefed that if they were to disclose any information from this night, they would be court martialed and sent to Leavenworth. When Norton obtained his medical records it disclosed that his illness was of unknown origin, his temperature was 104, he was placed in a steel tub for 2 days in ice water, to bring his temperature down.
He had a memory lapse or as we know it in UFO lore, it is also callled missing time. He could not remember how he was on the range and later found himself in the woods. There was a lot of time disorientation. During a hypnosis session, he learned he was abducted and taken aboard a craft. Medical experiments were conducted and samples were taken from his body.
After the incident two jets came in what were white washed, no numbers were on the jets. The jets were there to collect UFO crash site debris. This is the important part to read from this article:
Norton picked up a metallic piece from the crash site that has strange hieroglyphics on it. This metallic piece cannot be burned. A hacksaw will not cut it, if you bend it, it will go back to its original shape. Norton has this metallic piece BURIED AT HIS PROPERTY! Norton is willing and ready to show this evidence to some credible UFOlogists and to the media! Norton claims he has proof of UFOs being real, with this solid piece of evidence that he held onto since the incident!!
As I continued my interview with Norton, he told me the post was closed for a while after the incident. The military helicopters that were shot down during the incident, were never reported to the FAA. He was burned from a mysterious red substance from this incident. Norton is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama and describes how they experiment with biological and chemical substances on this base and something else is going on. There is UFO activity at this base, it seems that our military is test flying UFOs over the base. Norton has incredible night vision footage of UFOs of all colors taken on the base. He has footage of a UFO going from one horizon to another horizon in a mere 2 seconds. He has video footage of a triangle shaped UFO that hovers over the base, no sound being emitted. He has all of this video footage for any credible UFOlogist to review!
To contact James Norton, please contact me at 916 203 7503 and I will place you in direct contact with Norton via his cell phone.
Norton has the evidence, now it’s time to let the public know the TRUTH about UFOs, let’s see Norton’s evidence!
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