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T. Stokes

Synchronicity, coincidence and Kiaros

May 30, 2006 | Comment icon 6 comments
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A synchronicitous moment, is when a weird co-incidence seems to have strange undertones of real meaning. The Greeks with their ancient culture have the word, “Kiaros” which means exactly the right moment.This strange story is completely true and is a living example of Synchronicity, coincidence and Kiaros.St. Thomas Aquinas, the great catholic theologian once said;” the highest manifestation of life consists in this, that a being governs its own actions, a thing which is always subject to the directions of another is somewhat of a dead thing”.But believers in Synchronicity say that beings do not govern their own actions, these actions are governed by a greater force than either human or coincidence.I had two friends who living some distance apart, never actually met, although they had so much in common I knew they would get on, if I could only get their visits to coincide.One of these friends, a quiet man but a skilled mechanic with a love for old motorbikes in gratitude for my counselling help in a sensitive family situation, gave me a superb rare bottle of single malt from one of the very small Scottish distilleries.
This distillery was so small it was not included in the Whisky makers lists, and this bottle was too good to drink without a really good celebration to set it off, so it stayed on my sideboard for some weeks, while I mentally debated its fate.The other friend a real dour Scot, popped in one evening and stood in shock as he saw the whisky bottle, and told us it was a tiny distillery at the side of a house, near to where he lived in Scotland, and his mothers friend was living with the distiller, this was the only bottle he had ever seen outside of Scotland, the production was little more than 100 bottles a year which went almost entirely to a senator in the U.S.A. and how did I come by it ? As I recounted the story, that it was a gift from the other friend, who then decided he too would pop in unexpectedly.Now the two friends, both coming on the spur of the moment sat on my settee together, and the Scottish lad took out a photo from his wallet of an old motorbikeAnd the number plate matched the machine parked outside, Now were these two guys meant to meet or what ?

I just could not get my head round all this, when the thought occurred to me that psychologists say the difficulty all of us have in grasping new concepts which disturb our existing views of the world is called;” Cognitive dissonance”And that confirmed entrenched scepticism, could be allied to autistic behaviour.This was compounded by a tune that kept going round in my head for a couple of weeks, that I could not get out of my head, so whistling the tune to the two lads in my front room, one an expert on fifties rock music said straight away, “red river rock, by Johnny and the Hurricanes”I exclaimed I had not heard this tune for about 40 years,A couple of days later I picked up a newspaper to read that the leader of the Hurricanes, had died the previous weekI had such a shaking up, that my friends insisted I had to open the bottle.I appreciate there are those sceptics who will say that this was all just coincidence, And they maybe right, but I was quite taken by these small events.In reflection, I remembered of the words of Henry Newbolt.“the years like great oxen tread the world and god the herdsman goads them on behind, and I am broken by their passing feet “and these coincidences just steam-rollered me, as surely as if I had been run down by a herd of oxen. Comments (6)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by IronGhost 19 years ago
Yes, very interesting. Synchonisty is an important concept, and was particularly championed by the great Swiss pyschologist Carl Jung. The Nobel winning writer Hermann Hesse also was fond of the phenomenon. It's what he was reffering to when he said: "There are no coinicidences." Another amazing example of synchronisty: At the very instant that Frederick the Great died, the great clock at San ... (I forget the name of the clock location) stopped.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Master Sage 19 years ago
Comment icon #3 Posted by ZeroShadow 19 years ago
I don't care what the skeptics say, I've seen and heard of too much Phenomenon not to believe there's more to this world than we currently know. Too many unexplainable things happen such as things related to this topic.
Comment icon #4 Posted by hyperactive 19 years ago
why hello there zero. It has been a while. You are correct, there is much more to the "world" than we currently know.
Comment icon #5 Posted by ZeroShadow 19 years ago
Yup, I havn't got my PC yet so I'll be gone for a bit longer. I noticed you quoted "World". Why? Not sure what I ment? If so, by world I just mean existance, and the universe.
Comment icon #6 Posted by jadman 19 years ago
Wasn't it Jung who said something along the lines of .....with an infinite random number of events happening around us constantly the mystery isn't that these things happen the mystery is that they're not happening to us all the time..... ???

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