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Anthony North

Conspiracy theory theory

June 19, 2007 | Comment icon 11 comments
Image Credit: stockxpert
Even the title is ridiculous. Bad grammar. But this is the nature of conspiracy theory – none of it makes sense. So to theorise upon a theory cannot be correctly said in language. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. I'm skeptical of conspiracy theory. Don't get me wrong, conspiracies exist, but we know about them. We know about them because large organizations, which are usually behind them, leak like a sieve.

A sensational idea
But that isn't conspiracy theory. A conspiracy theory is about a perceived conspiracy – a totally different thing. But then again, a conspiracy is when two or more people get together to conspire against others. You could say all government does that. Yet central to the full blown conspiracy theory – such as Diana was murdered, or MK-Ultra assassins existed – is the idea of sensationalism. After all, a conspiracy theory wouldn't get attention without it. I'm skeptical of conspiracy theory. I've talked it over with people – secretly – and we've conspired to agree. So I guess I'm part of a conspiracy against conspiracy theorists.

Reality is relative
Yet the world would be a boring place without them – conspiracy theories, I mean. Indeed, I'm fascinated by them. Why do they occur? Why do people believe? Why do people propose them in the first place? I think it is all to do with the nature of reality. To much of eastern philosophy, the reality we live is a delusion. This theme appears throughout the history of intellect, right up to quantum physics, where reality is probabilistic, and the world we live in is the one we observe. Reality, it seems, is relative. So an event becomes an event plus the cultural interpretation placed on it following the event. But does this mean a sensational explanation of an event is as relevant as the event itself?

What we believe is
When enough people believe something is real, their actions and beliefs go a long way to making it real. Consider a belief in God. If enough people believe it is true, and do action as if it was true, would society be as if it WAS true? This idea extends throughout history. We know of history from books, yet those books were written by people with their own prejudices and ideas of how an event occurred. Over time, people who were not alive at the time read the book as true. Has the past come to the present to conspire? So if enough people believe the conspiracies, then maybe they take on a life of their own. Maybe they become a reality. Maybe reality is a thing that conspires all by itself. And if reality conspires, then maybe the people experiencing that reality conspire too.
It's a crazy world
It's a crazy world we live in. And it's made worse by postmodernism. High and low culture mix in a cauldron of images. Barriers are broken down and we all exist in a world of cultural fuzz. Meaning goes out of the window, which may be a door, and the only thing that makes sense is the surreal. And our minds play a part in the production of reality, complete with our nightmares. And the only thing that has meaning is the symbol. In this crazy world, fact fuses with fiction, and we no longer know what is truth and what is make believe. So whether conspiracy theory is true or false is irrelevant. All we need is the idea of its truth to be true – in a symbolic kind of way.

We've always been the same
We've always had a hint of the truth of this untruth. For most of history, we have lived with belief. We've believed God is an omnipotent Being who cares for us; that witches can cast spells that can hurt us. We've always lived in a world of suspicion; of trust in what cannot be proved to exist. There have always been forces above us, controlling us, praying on our minds. And we've always adjusted our meanings in life to reflect it. We used to call it superstition. We used to believe that forces were 'out there' to get us. Well let's get it clear. Superstition never went away. It is alive and well, and we call it conspiracy theory.

I'll be back
I'll be back at some time in the future with more on conspiracy theory. This is just a taster of the world it creates. If you're confused, then I've done my job well. But have I conspired with others to do so?

That may be your theory, good readers, but in deciding between yourselves, are you conspiring against me?

Click for my crazy world of Conspiracy Theory. Comments (11)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #2 Posted by Anita Cigarette. 17 years ago
someone please explain what the hell i just read. Anthony North, please proof read before posting a lot of fluff & no substance. what is conspiracy theory? a theory of being conspired against. how else can it not be that? i'm conspiring to make sure i can learn from this, hopefully. am i just limited mentally or is this article mentally limited? seriously. xo the conspiracy to confuse me has worked well.
Comment icon #3 Posted by NITN 17 years ago
the conspiracy to confuse me has worked well. -Post removed-
Comment icon #4 Posted by 17 years ago
-Post removed- I think for your first post, that is not a very nice thing to say!
Comment icon #5 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 17 years ago
I think for your first post, that is not a very nice thing to say! My guess is, first impressions are not that important for NITN.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Fluffybunny 17 years ago
-Post removed- Not a good first post; please read the PM I am sending you and cease the namecalling.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Anthony North 17 years ago
Not a good first post; please read the PM I am sending you and cease the namecalling. Can I just say, whilst Anita Cigarette is clearly no fan of mine, if you wish to defend me, please do it without personal insult. I want to win debates, not fights.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Anita Cigarette. 17 years ago
Can I just say, whilst Anita Cigarette is clearly no fan of mine, if you wish to defend me, please do it without personal insult. I want to win debates, not fights. oh, sweetheart, do not think me as not a fan. i do adore your typing style, although it really lost me. i would like explaination of what this topic covers because i cannot see the main point of the topic. there is no reason for a debate. if my first reply came off as aggresive &/or rude, please forgive me. i refrain from any objectable viewpoint, & therefore, i'll read between the lines, as my zealous teacher once instruct... [More]
Comment icon #9 Posted by SaRuMaN 17 years ago
The comments have now been removed and the individual in question has been banned. Apologies for the disruption.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Anthony North 17 years ago
oh, sweetheart, do not think me as not a fan. i do adore your typing style, although it really lost me. i would like explaination of what this topic covers because i cannot see the main point of the topic. there is no reason for a debate. if my first reply came off as aggresive &/or rude, please forgive me. i refrain from any objectable viewpoint, & therefore, i'll read between the lines, as my zealous teacher once instructed. truely. xo Hi Anita, Thanks for that. What I was trying to convey is that conspiracy theory is, in the main, a remnant of our need for superstition. Such 'theori... [More]
Comment icon #11 Posted by Anita Cigarette. 17 years ago
thank you very much. xo

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