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Creatures, Myths & Legends

"Chupacabra" spotted in Oklahoma

By T.K. Randall
July 25, 2010 · Comment icon 17 comments

Image Credit: LeCire
A number of witnesses have reported sighting a strange creature in Oklahoma believed to be a Chupacabra.
A group of teens in Tecumseh make an unusual sighting. The group now wonders if they ran across the legendary chupacabra.

Source: Kfor.com | Comments (17)

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Comment icon #8 Posted by Paranormalcy 15 years ago
It obviously still bares no resemblance whatsoever to the sketches produced over the years of a "real" Chupacabra. If it doesn't have a giant alien head, wings, glowing red eyes and glowing rainbow spines - it isn't a Chupa.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Eldorado 15 years ago
Yet again, utter piffle. Doesn't look as if it could attack a bowl of soup.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Lizardian_guy 15 years ago
Those always turn out fake. Call back when they've caged one that doesn't turn out to be a shaved animal that had prosthetics punched into it.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Sarka 15 years ago
It looks to me like it is simply running. The front legs are pulled up under the body in preparation of extending them for a long stride. Dogs do this a lot of the time when they are jumping or running hard. Compare... I think it is a coyote too. Or maybe someones dog. Probably has mange if it was fur-less. I agree with you there, Checker. I have photos of my dog, a Jack Russell, running around in our backyard and his legs look similar to that when he's jumping about. It's definitely a dog/coyote. Still an interesting video though.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Lizardian_guy 15 years ago
It looks to me like it is simply running. The front legs are pulled up under the body in preparation of extending them for a long stride. Dogs do this a lot of the time when they are jumping or running hard. Compare... I think it is a coyote too. Or maybe someones dog. Probably has mange if it was fur-less. Oh wow, I hadn't seen that picture. I find it highly amusing that people still manage to come up with blurry pictures in the era of numeric photography. This is the equivalent of someone recording a talking ghost on a mp3 player, then when you're supposed to hear it talk you hear the sound ... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by The Unseen 15 years ago
intresting but the large paw print in the mud is to big to match the visual size of the cupachubra paws you see in the picture Umm,Yeah your right,The tracks look fake,Why in the world would the tracks be straight and not staggered ,those kids seem to be lying,Just dont get the feeling they are telling the truth,Also the picture seems to be photo shopped and the location is right behind a High school.Hmmmmmm,yeah their lying just to get their 15 minutes of fame,Kids these days have no respect for anything and I dont believe them as far as I can throw them.DONT BELIEVE THEIR HYPE.that photo is ... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by The Unseen 15 years ago
It obviously still bares no resemblance whatsoever to the sketches produced over the years of a "real" Chupacabra. If it doesn't have a giant alien head, wings, glowing red eyes and glowing rainbow spines - it isn't a Chupa. I love the way you said it wasnt a chupa,In english you said it wasnt a sucker,LOL
Comment icon #15 Posted by jesspy 15 years ago
thats a cute puppy dog
Comment icon #16 Posted by Archangel Michael 15 years ago
Chupacabras and coyotes brings up a topic I hope it's related to the topic we're talking about: the American Indian legends of the "trickster" a creature takes form of a coyote or wolf, a canine may be left alone by the humans...and the legend finds the "trickster" morphs into another type of beast. In Southern Cal., chupacabra sightings became common in the mid 1990s, after the first chupacabra reports in Mexico made headlines in the US like the phenomena is more of a social trend in the Latin American culture than a real scientific one. In March 1999, I heard about a phone caller on a local ... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by celtcharm 15 years ago
Chupacabras and coyotes brings up a topic I hope it's related to the topic we're talking about: the American Indian legends of the "trickster" a creature takes form of a coyote or wolf, a canine may be left alone by the humans...and the legend finds the "trickster" morphs into another type of beast. In Southern Cal., chupacabra sightings became common in the mid 1990s, after the first chupacabra reports in Mexico made headlines in the US like the phenomena is more of a social trend in the Latin American culture than a real scientific one. In March 1999, I heard about a phone caller on a local ... [More]

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