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Metaphysics & Psychology

Scientist investigates phone call telepathy

By T.K. Randall
July 1, 2014 · Comment icon 27 comments

Can you tell in advance who is calling ? Image Credit:
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake conducted a study to see if we really can tell who is calling before picking up.
If you've ever received a phone call out of the blue that you weren't expecting but somehow found that you knew who was on the other end before you even picked up the phone then you aren't alone - the phenomenon of 'telephone telepathy' is not a new one.

In a recent experiment Dr. Rupert Sheldrake tested this concept in a group of volunteers by having them answer a telephone call after writing down in advance who they believed was on the other end out of a possible selection of four options.

The results seemed to show a higher than expected tendency for the volunteers to correctly guess who was phoning. "The average scores were very significantly above the 25 percent hit rate expected by chance," he wrote.
In his research, which was published in the Institute of Noetic Science earlier this year, Sheldrake claims that several other studies, including those conducted at the University of Amsterdam in Holland and the University of Freiburg in Germany, have also shown similar results. The phenomenon was also allegedly found to be more prominent when the person phoning shared a strong emotional bond with the recipient.

But is there really some form of telepathy going on here or are these results simply the result of random chance ?

"The only way to resolve these questions is by means of experimental tests that can be evaluated statistically," said Sheldrake. "These tests gave positive, statistically significant results."

Source: Epoch Times | Comments (27)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #18 Posted by John from Lowell 11 years ago
Hi, I happen to like what they did in this telepathy research study. Not enough research is done on these things for whatever reason. John
Comment icon #19 Posted by kidagakash 11 years ago
This reminds me of when I sit down to dinner after a long day at work. I'll take my first bite, literally, and someone will call or knock on my door. I get a phone call or a knock between 3-10 times a month on average, not often at all but it almost always happens right after I take that first bite of food.
Comment icon #20 Posted by XenoFish 11 years ago
I'll sometimes get the urge to check my phone only to have just received a text. Happens way to much.
Comment icon #21 Posted by ThinLine2Cross 11 years ago
This happened with my son, as a child. When the phone rang he was 100% accurate as to who it was. he could also tell you who was at the door even though we had no windows facing the front of our house, nor did we have a peephole. One day he said, the police are here, and I laughed, then the knock came on the door I opened it up and was like, yep it's the police. ;-) When I was on my honey moon we bought a flat of strawberries to bring home to him, we decided to eat them on the trip home. We tossed the evidence, but when we arrived to pick him up, he told us it wasn't very nice to buy him straw... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by Nnicolette 10 years ago
This happens to me a lot I often find myself picking up the phone right before it rings as well. This is more often when I know who it is also. I also tend to react right before alarms go off or the microwave/oven beeps or when someone approaches my house but that's easier to rationalize by the fact that timers are on a set time and possibly I'm subconsciously better at hearing or keeping track of time than I think... I don't know but it is definitely a real phonomena because my body alway reacts as if I already heard the sound and then I notice I was reaching for my phone or walking to the al... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by archer95446 10 years ago
Two days ago, I was thinking about my bff, then, all of the sudden, she called me!!! This isn't the first time this has happened!!!
Comment icon #24 Posted by Sakari 10 years ago
I think all phones say who is calling now.... Two days ago, I was thinking about my bff, then, all of the sudden, she called me!!! This isn't the first time this has happened!!! Not the first time your BFF has called you, I agree with that.
Comment icon #25 Posted by sam_comm 10 years ago
I think all phones say who is calling now.... Ah, we get quite a few 'Caller ID Unkown' here. So, caller ID display is not always useful.. But anyway, the idea is to 'know' who is calling before any information available by the 5 senses can be aquired.
Comment icon #26 Posted by sam_comm 10 years ago
Two days ago, I was thinking about my bff, then, all of the sudden, she called me!!! This isn't the first time this has happened!!! Many people experience such occurances at some point. Some can be dismissed as coincidences, others not so much as they strike as meaningful. Psychiatrist Carl Jung has refered to this kind of events as synchronicities. 'Meaningful coincidences' that seem somehow to be related. https://en.wikipedia...i/Synchronicity
Comment icon #27 Posted by Nnicolette 10 years ago
I only know who's calling if its someone I know. And also I think its a result of a "mental page" that is happening as they intended to call you right before they did. For example I hear equally often when I call someone "I just thought about you" or "I was just on my way to call you" with the factor thrown in that I only send receive a couple personal calls a month there is clearly more to that being a constant for me than timing. I don't have to check the phone to know who's call I missed but as i said I never know when its someone I don't know or am not in tune with at all.

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