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World of the Bizarre

'Nuclear explosion' photographed on Mars

By T.K. Randall
March 14, 2015 · Comment icon 63 comments

The anomalous plume is located over the Valles Marineris Canyon. Image Credit: ISRO
An image of a 'mushroom cloud' on the Red Planet has caught the attention of conspiracy theorists.
Captured by India's orbiting space probe, the controversial image has been hailed by some as evidence that something unusual is still happening down on the surface of Mars.

Showing what looks like a large mushroom cloud rising up above the famous Valles Marineris Canyon, the photograph does look relatively convincing given that the shape is sufficiently distinct and that it even appears to be casting a shadow.
While some have speculated that the mushroom cloud could have been caused by an asteroid impact or a rockfall within the canyon, others have brought up references to the work of author Dr John Brandenburg by suggesting that it could even be a nuclear explosion.

Astrobiologist Dr Jonathan Horner of the University of Southern Queensland however has offered a rather more feasible explanation to what the mysterious mushroom cloud could be.

"It's simply like one of those magic eye picture tricks - the eye getting deceived and trying to see something where there isn't really anything," he said.

It appears that the "nuclear explosion" is in fact unlikely to be anything more than an optical illusion.

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Comment icon #54 Posted by ouija ouija 10 years ago
And this Martian spirit is still hanging about and chooses to talk to some kids via a cardboard game board? What do you think spirits do other than 'hang about'? Thank you for the link. Yes, it's likely that some souls in their current incarnation first incarnated 'quadrillions'(is that a real number?!), of years ago. It would be quite impressive for souls to be incarnated quadrillion of years ago, since by all accounts the universe is "only" some 13,8 billion years old. One quadrillion is: 1,000,000,000,000,000 One billion is: 1,000,000,000 So you are only out by a factor of a million. I was ... [More]
Comment icon #55 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 10 years ago
I was using the word 'quadrillions' the way a child uses 'kazillions' ..... simply to express 'a lot of years', which is what I thought you were doing ...... I didn't realise it was a real word! I had never come across the word 'quadrillions' until you mentioned it. (Now you're going to tell me that 'kazillion' is a real number, aren't you? ) You are safe with that one. The thing is, that the link I gave you actually uses the term quadrillion and there is a link from there, that explains what a quadrillion is. I simply assumed that you had actually read the link that you were commenting on....... [More]
Comment icon #56 Posted by Border Collie 10 years ago
You are safe with that one. The thing is, that the link I gave you actually uses the term quadrillion and there is a link from there, that explains what a quadrillion is. I simply assumed that you had actually read the link that you were commenting on...................... What!!!!?? A kazillion isn't a real number? I don't want to post here any more. Sniff.
Comment icon #57 Posted by ouija ouija 10 years ago
You are safe with that one. The thing is, that the link I gave you actually uses the term quadrillion and there is a link from there, that explains what a quadrillion is. I simply assumed that you had actually read the link that you were commenting on...................... Yes, I did read the link before commenting on it, but not the link that explained what quadrillions were ..... I have to admit I assumed it was a word the Scientologists had made up to express 'a very long time'. I was focussed on reading the article the link led to.
Comment icon #58 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 10 years ago
What!!!!?? A kazillion isn't a real number? I don't want to post here any more. Sniff. There, there. Of course it is a real number. It can mean anything you wan't it to. Will you stop cying now ?
Comment icon #59 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 10 years ago
Yes, I did read the link before commenting on it, but not the link that explained what quadrillions were ..... I have to admit I assumed it was a word the Scientologists had made up to express 'a very long time'. I was focussed on reading the article the link led to. Its quite all right. One of the good things about this site is that you learn new things everyday.
Comment icon #60 Posted by Merc14 10 years ago
Not sure what point you're trying to make there. I imagine most spirits, after death, are simply absorbed back into a huge mass of spirit .... are no longer individuals. A huge mass of spirit?Do you have figures on how many ouija boards are 'out there' and how often they are used? I do but I was wondering how many you think have been sold? I don't think the age of the person using the board matters, what is important is how sensitive they are. It's the sensitivity of both the spirit and the one trying to contact them that decides the results. Is that the only spirit you've talked to or are the... [More]
Comment icon #61 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
You are safe with that one. The thing is, that the link I gave you actually uses the term quadrillion and there is a link from there, that explains what a quadrillion is. I simply assumed that you had actually read the link that you were commenting on...................... Actually it seems that the story of Xenu, who is behind most every day to day belief of a Scientologist, happened 75 million years ago. Which was during the Cretaceous, which was the time of the dinosaurs, and ended with the K-T event which led to the end of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago. Still a illogically long ... [More]
Comment icon #62 Posted by ouija ouija 10 years ago
A huge mass of spirit? I do but I was wondering how many you think have been sold? Care to share? Why does it matter how many I think have been sold? Is that the only spirit you've talked to or are there more? Pretty much the only one, bits & bobs here and there .... it just got too scary in the end.
Comment icon #63 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 10 years ago
Actually it seems that the story of Xenu, who is behind most every day to day belief of a Scientologist, happened 75 million years ago. Which was during the Cretaceous, which was the time of the dinosaurs, and ended with the K-T event which led to the end of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago. Still a illogically long time ago. While it is true that the whole Xenu thing takes place "only" 75 million years ago, there is something called Incident I in Scientology and that took place 4 quadrillion years ago, so they are apparently quite serious with using those numbers. Scientology is a ver... [More]

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