Harris has posted several videos of the doll online. Image Credit: YouTube / Jayne Harris
Videos and photographs of the doll are said to have caused a range of symptoms in people viewing them.
Known as Peggy, the allegedly possessed child's doll is now owned by Jayne Harris, a paranormal investigator who has a keen interest in the unexplained and the occult.
Head of the "Haunted Dolls" organization in Shropshire, England, Harris received Peggy from the doll's former owner who had been trying to get rid of it on the basis that it had been responsible for a spate of terrifying nightmares and inexplicable ill-health.
After she had acquired the doll Harris started to use it as the focus of a series of YouTube videos showing her attempting to communicate with whatever spirit may be possessing it.
Soon however reports started to emerge of people suffering a range of peculiar symptoms after watching the videos including headaches, nausea and chest pains.
One woman even reportedly had a heart attack after watching one of the videos.
"If I had to guess, I'd say close to 80 people have came forward with experiences," said Harris.
"One lady said that when she opened a photograph of Peggy, her computer froze on the picture and the room went cold. She then said she felt someone in the room with her and could hear them moving around. I took Peggy down into an isolation area and requested that she cease her tormenting. Apparently everything returned to normal."
Despite receiving offers from other mediums to have the spirit expelled from the doll, Harris has opted to keep it around and continue conducting research on it in private.
One of her video sessions with the doll uploaded to her YouTube channel can be viewed below.
...Before addressing some points, I’ll just state the obvious. Don’t believe everything you read in the papers or online ..even more obviously, DO believe what you can verify is true, and learn how to discriminate... I think it important to point out that the original article by the daily mail gives the impression...The issue has been taken up with them however.. If you are expecting accuracy (or corrections or apologies) from the Daily Fail, I suspect you haven't spent much time there... Our organization was formed in 2012 with the M.O of investigating potential cases of Spirit Attachment... [More]
lol! Goodness I really have kept you busy ChrLzs Let me ask you this. Are you ever in the UK? I would like to extend an invitation to you to join us if you are, on one of our investigations. You mentioned that this is a forum not an advertising agency, the purpose of my advising people to check the FB page or my book (incidentally in order for it to constitute advertising I would have had to give links or at least the names of both my Fb page and the book but I won't nitpick) is that the only other option would be to upload my entire archive of evidence to this forum? Which spans 16 years. Pos... [More]
lol! Goodness I really have kept you busy ChrLzs Not really. I'm a fast typist and well.. immodestly may i say that I know my stuff, so even lengthy replies take but a few minutes... And fighting bad science/research is a worthy cause, imo. Let me ask you this. Are you ever in the UK? Nope, way too cold and crowded for me. I would like to extend an invitation to you to join us if you are, on one of our investigations. Why not simply present the very best example of one of those investigations here? Surely these things are fully and properly documented, right? You mentioned that this is a forum... [More]
Ive got bad stomach cramps today, im wondering if the cause was watching this video on Sunday! Watching something that so clearly exists for the sole reason of tricking people tends to leave folks feeling rather sick.
Don't have much to say about the doll but in the 1970s my mum came home from the shops to see what she thought was either my brother or my dad looking out of the bedroom window at her. She lugged the shopping to the door expecting whoever it was to answer but no one came. Slightly miffed she let herself in and prepared her rant but found no one in the house. Feeling spooked she went next door to an elderly Welsh lady known for supernatural leanings who said someone was going to die. Later that night sure enough my Grandad who looked like a mix between my brother and dad passed away from heart ... [More]
I watched the video when it was posted almost 3 weeks ago and now suddenly today.. BOOM .. the batteries in my remote went flat!!! Coincidence? I think not!
I have one of my sisters old Barbie dolls and it keeps getting in to bed with me. Surely that's not normal? You may have unrealistic expectations from your dalliance with Barbie. If she were a real woman, her spine would immediately snap in two.
As a doll collector I have to say this stuff drives me nuts!! Jayne sells these dolls to suckers who buy them at highly inflated prices through her facebook page, ofcourse she will say they are haunted. Yes, some dolls (particularly the hard plastic Pedigree dolls with 'flrty' eyes) can seem very realistic and their eyes in particular can be extremely well made and 'seem to follow you' etc BUT they are JUST dolls - pieces of plastic with other small parts of materials shaped into a rough human-like figure. Hmmm, I've really been wondering lately if the Tupperware container on top of the fridge... [More]
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