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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Should Nessie be Scotland's national animal?

By T.K. Randall
April 25, 2015 · Comment icon 28 comments

This Nessie can be found outside the Loch Ness Exhibition Center. Image Credit: Immanuel Giel
A Scottish tourism body has launched a new campaign to gain formal recognition for the Loch Ness Monster.
Despite there being considerable doubts over the mere existence of the famous Scottish lake monster, a concerted effort is now underway to have it recognized as Scotland's national animal.

The idea might have sounded preposterous if it weren't for the fact that the current national animal of Scotland is a unicorn - the mythical horned horse that has been used on the royal coat of arms since 1603. It could certainly be argued that in this day and age the Loch Ness Monster is a lot more culturally relevant.

"Nessie is an icon and an asset," said Freda Newton, managing director of Jacobite Cruises.
"There is no doubt she attracts hundreds of tourists to Scotland every year and she deserves recognition. If not as our national animal, then at least she should be awarded the title of Scotland's national monster. A formal nod to Nessie's fame is long overdue."

Sightings of the creature have been reported for years and continue to this day but so far there has never been any conclusive evidence to support the notion that it actually exists.

There is little doubt however that as Scotland's national animal it would certainly be well recognized.

Source: Herald Sun | Comments (28)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #19 Posted by Still Waters 10 years ago
I wonder.... Does Jacobite Cruises go on Loch Ness? Just a thought due to a cynical mindset and progression to why such a company would push for such a thing! Yes
Comment icon #20 Posted by WolvenHeart7 10 years ago
I think they should change it to Nessie, because the monster is pretty central when it comes to them anyway. No one claims to see unicorns there, so Nessie would be an obvious choice
Comment icon #21 Posted by She-ra 10 years ago
So, to add to the Waterhorse/Kelpie oddness...I left here to do some things then started watching TV. On the Starz channel there's a movie on called The Water Horse from 2007 and I'm watching it now. Why all of the sudden am I being bombed with things about WaterHorses?
Comment icon #22 Posted by White Unicorn 10 years ago
Is this another of Ms Fandabbydozy's daft ideas? In Celtic mythology, the Unicorn of Scotland "symbolized innocence and purity, healing powers, joy and even life itself, and was also seen as a symbol of masculinity and power". (Nessie's just one half of "Large cod n' chips, please!") I'm glad you brought up the symbolism. Sounds like they want to make a Levathan the new symbol instead of the Unicorn. No wonder the Unicorn isn't sighted there any more! What will be next Japan's national animal will be Godzilla? LOL
Comment icon #23 Posted by Night Walker 10 years ago
It's so funny this is coming up right now. The book I'm reading Outlander has a chapter on the Waterhorse and I'm just now learning about the Kelpie. How weird that all of this is being talked about or out in front of me in the last 24 hours. Cool coincidences And I love that picture. It's beautiful and mysterious. Thank you!! Synchronicity is awesome! All good folklore expresses the present whilst drawing from the past. Loch Ness Monster -- Water-horse (Kelpie) -- Unicorn: conceptually, it's not much of a stretch...
Comment icon #24 Posted by She-ra 10 years ago
Synchronicity is awesome! All good folklore expresses the present whilst drawing from the past. Loch Ness Monster -- Water-horse (Kelpie) -- Unicorn: conceptually, it's not much of a stretch... Yes I had THAT happen and then came across the Movie while just flipping through channels. Thank you for this. I'm off to fully read and digest it. I have this sort of thing happen a lot to me so it will be cool to read what Jung says about it. Seriously, thanks. Edit to add one more thing so you get the full impact of this to me. I took my son to the doctor yesterday with my Outlander book to read in t... [More]
Comment icon #25 Posted by RSF 10 years ago
The problem I feel that has been missed for years is that the beast actually lives on Land.
Comment icon #26 Posted by Podo 10 years ago
While the Loch ness monster is certainly not real, I think it'd be a cool national animal. They've already got a unicorn, so why not? At least the Loch Ness critter is more iconic. The problem I feel that has been missed for years is that the beast actually lives on Land. Yes, it lives on land, and it farts rainbows and grants wishes for good little children.
Comment icon #27 Posted by theotherguy 10 years ago
Can't help but think that while Nessie is inextricably linked with Scotland, it mostly represents a tourist attraction at this point. Then again, since I'm not Scottish, it's probably a deeper connection than I understand.
Comment icon #28 Posted by Scholar4Truth 10 years ago
Why not? we already have animals as national symbols.

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