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Scientists are aiming to revive a human brain

By T.K. Randall
February 8, 2016 · Comment icon 28 comments

Can a brain be preserved and uploaded in to a synthetic body ? Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Allan Ajifo
A $100,000 prize is being offered to anyone who can successfully preserve a fully functional human brain.
The competition, which is being held by The Brain Preservation Foundation, requires that a human brain be kept in full working order for 100 years without sustaining damage or degradation.

The ultimate goal of the exercise will be to make it possible to bring someone back from the dead by transplanting their preserved brain in to a new synthetic body at some point in the future.

Participants are urged to begin by finding a way to preserve the brains of animals before eventually developing a surgical procedure that will enable the long-term preservation of a human brain.
Two competitors are currently working towards claiming the prize - one is postdoctoral researcher Shawn Mikula at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germany while the other is a California-based company called 21st Century Medicine.

Mikula is hoping to achieve preservation using a chemical fixing process while 21st Century Medicine is attempting to accomplish the same thing using cryopreservation.

Whether their goal is even achievable with today's technology however remains to be seen.

"I am virtually certain that mind uploading is possible," said Brain Preservation Foundation president Ken Hayworth. "We are destined to eventually replace our biological bodies and minds with optimally designed synthetic ones."

Source: Mail Online | Comments (28)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #19 Posted by GreenmansGod 9 years ago
I think they are going to find, there is more to it than just the brain, but the whole nervous system. I was watching The Brain with David Eagleman on PBS and in one episode they talked about finding the memory is stored in nerves throughout the body. What is a person without memory, not much I would think. I have had friends who have lived their lives as heads on a pillow. People who have lost full function and from what I have seen I, it looks like living hell. I can't imagine living like Stephen Hawking does. Nope, not me, use a shotgun, scramble my brain real good. I am not coming back, th... [More]
Comment icon #20 Posted by stevemagegod 9 years ago
Ya pretty sure this will get people into a whole bunch of legal trouble.
Comment icon #21 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 9 years ago
I remember once when this sort of thing went poorly... Got to be very careful nowadays.
Comment icon #22 Posted by joonmoon999 9 years ago
People are getting pervert.
Comment icon #23 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 9 years ago
People are getting pervert. How so?
Comment icon #24 Posted by Rlyeh 9 years ago
People are getting pervert. Have you got a pervert?
Comment icon #25 Posted by regeneratia 9 years ago
To isolate a brain from body is to ignore an eon of evolution focused upon refining that connection. To isolate a brain from its body is to ignore a lifetime focused upon developing a neural network for defining, understanding, and interacting with the world. The trauma associated with such an insult would likely result in undefined and potentially insurmountable mental disorders. I find the blatant lack of empathy appalling. When you think about how the rest of the body influences the brain, your point is well-made. Just been reading about how serotonin is created by gut bacteria, just readin... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by feral koan 9 years ago
They seem to be considering this only in terms of tissue preservation. I would certainly be interested to see where the attempts take us with our understanding of the nature of conscious awareness...most knowledge in this area, is based merely upon correlative inference, which though meaningful, is still incomplete in a more broad sense.
Comment icon #27 Posted by feral koan 9 years ago
So,one would have to keep their own brain alive 100 yrs to collect the 100,000.00 ? jmccr8 You're post just made me wonder, perhaps the whole thing is like a rhetorical that guy (I think hes arrogant myself) who offers psychics and healers and what not a mill to prove themselves against his tests...
Comment icon #28 Posted by theotherguy 9 years ago
Does the brain have to be conscious during this time? Reading the article, it seems to me that it's more like suspended animation. The logistical problem isn't so much keeping a brain with no sensory input entertained for 100 years, it's reacclimating the brain to society after being inert for a century. The immediate ethical issues would be largely solved by only using healthy brains from volunteers who were aware of the risks. If it succeeds, the brain would have all sorts of legal problems: What rights do a brain in a jar have? Is the brain even eligible to be considered a person? How would... [More]

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