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UK soldiers test out new 'invisibility cloak'

By T.K. Randall
March 21, 2016 · Comment icon 13 comments

British snipers have reported that the material is very effective. Image Credit: SSgt. Ezekiel R. Kitandwe
British troops have been conducting field trials of a new type of camouflage material known as Vatec.
The revolutionary new material, which is even able to hide someone from enemies using infra-red and heat-seeking equipment, could soon become a staple battlefield accessory.

Its effectiveness was demonstrated recently during field trials in Georgia where British snipers built hideaways to conceal themselves from enemy combatants on a mock battlefield.

There are now calls for the UK government to invest in the material as well.

"This is an absolutely brilliant piece of kit," said Corporal Tyrone Hoole.
"The lads are desperate for the Army to buy it. Instead of carrying chicken wire, spray paint and thermal sheets we can use this one item, which is really light.”

Research in to the development of increasingly effective cloaking technologies has been going from strength to strength in recent years with scientists working on a number of different solutions.

One of these, which is attempting to replicate the way cephalopods such as squids change color to mimic their surroundings, uses thousands of tiny cells to detect the colors around it and a special heat-sensitive dye that can change color when electrical signals are sent to it.

"I have high hopes for its use in military camouflage," said Professor Xuanhe Zhao. "Dynamic camouflage would allow soldiers and their vehicles to adapt to their surroundings instantly."

Source: New Zealand Herald | Comments (13)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #4 Posted by BeastieRunner 9 years ago
Hopefully it ends up keeping them safer.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Misanthropic 9 years ago
Pretty cool! Imagine what it will be like once perfected.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Taun 9 years ago
As a long time NCO I can see the following happening: A group of young soldiers returning from the snack bar are confronted by their SGT... "But Sarge... We were out there testing those cloak thingies... Didn't you see us? Gee, I guess they really work!"
Comment icon #7 Posted by Black Monk 9 years ago
What if these cloaks gone to the wrong hands. Your house burgled and your car stolen etc etc That's a weird bit of logic you have. You could just as easily say: "What if a British Army tank got in the wrong hands?" and "What if a British Army L16A2 81mm mortar got in the wrong hands?"
Comment icon #8 Posted by wyelander 9 years ago
What happens if you lose one? How will you ever find it?
Comment icon #9 Posted by paperdyer 9 years ago
Misjatti totally agree totally agree I can see home alarm system booming. You may not be able to identify the thief but at least the Police can come and see where he is if they see and item disappearing. More elaborate systems like the old steel window slides and a few Dobermans or Rotweilers would hurt either. The dog may not be able to see the person, but at least the dog could smell the person. What happens if you lose one? How will you ever find it? Maybe they'll come with a clapper like for keys..
Comment icon #10 Posted by seeder 9 years ago
I bought a great invisibility suit....from a Japanese website, even got a photo of me sitting on this bench Pretty cool isnt it. I mean who'd know I was sitting there?
Comment icon #11 Posted by paperdyer 9 years ago
I bought a great invisibility suit....from a Japanese website, even got a photo of me sitting on this bench Pretty cool isnt it. I mean who'd know I was sitting there? Pigeons
Comment icon #12 Posted by likwidlite 9 years ago
Imagine that suit with this tech as goggles
Comment icon #13 Posted by Aardvark-DK 9 years ago
Proof that scientists watch too much Star Trek IMHO...

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