Concetta Antico is an authenticated tetrachromat artist. Image Credit: Concetta Antico
A common genetic mutation has given many women the ability to see more colors than the rest of us.
Artist Concetta Antico, a woman whose remarkable ability to see additional colors has earned her the nickname 'the woman with rainbow vision', is one example of a tetrachromat - a person whose eyes have four color receptors instead of the usual three.
Now scientists investigating the phenomenon have revealed that the genetic mutation which gives rise to these abilities might actually be a lot more common than is generally believed and that most women who do possess 'rainbow vision' simply lack the training to take advantage of it.
Most of them probably aren't even aware that they have superhuman color vision at all.
To determine this, the researchers, who were led by Kimberly Jameson from UC Irvine, compared Antico's color perception with that of another tetrachromat and a person with normal vision.
The results indicated that Antico was far more sensitive to colors than the other two - including the other tetrachromat - and that this was likely due to her training as an artist.
By training other tetrachromats in the same way, the researchers concluded, it may be possible to help others with this unique genetic trait to realize the full potential of their enhanced vision as well.
I had a chat with my identical twin sister, she said she remember arguing with our father over the color of the sky, in the tones of blue, turquoise and aqua, there may be something to it. Also, I gave a look at my real life Madagascar Dracaena versus google image, colors are always off. Some are closer than others, but there is always a hint of yellow missing. I need to do test with my father, as we share the same trichromate X. I'll see my cousins over the weekend for a sugar shack party, I'll investigate more.
I have this, to a minor degree. Optomatrist says that I have more rods and cones than most people. Sure is handy in the dark. This seem to have a fluorescent glow, some things more than others.
Even if we see the number (which is 105.7), it just mean we are not color blind and we have decent computer screens. The programming of electronic colors is based on three colors. Electronic screens are based on three colors. Printers use three colors. There's nothing we can do unless we work with colors in real world vs photos. I have been asking a few of my color blind gene carrying female cousins, nothing conclusive. I remember a discrepancy between a piece of clothing my sister and I were wearing (which were one blue and one green), who looked almost the same color on photos but were disti... [More]
Many near death experiencers say that they saw "more colors than normal" or "more than we have here" while on the other side. They were seeing the entire light spectrum rather than just a small part of it. They also said it was "more real than normal" or "realer than real."
So, I got tired of trying to figure out whether I was tetrachromate by looking my real life garden plants vs their online photos. I took my family Tree DNA X chromosome file and pass it into promethease automated genetic medical condition report. Results? rs2315122 A;A, where A;G would hint tetrachromatie and G;G colorblindness rs2315123 T;T, where T;C would hint tetrachromatie and C;C colorblindness I'm therefore trichromate, like most of us. Case closed. Although my mother, my aunt, at least five of my cousins, my sister-in-law and at least two of my nieces should be. And I'm wondering wh... [More]
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