World of the Bizarre
Highly prized buffalo is worth $12 million
T.K. RandallApril 24, 2016 ·
African cape buffalo are popular targets for big game hunters. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Soerfm
A genetically perfect buffalo named Horizon is the most sought-after member of his species on the planet.
The huge animal, which possesses a set of horns that are over 20 inches longer than those of the average buffalo, is currently owned by four South African businessmen who each share a 25 percent stake in him worth up to a staggering $3 million.
Horizon's genes are so highly prized that a cow pregnant with his offspring triples in value.
"It is rare that a bull carries genetics to his next generation, sometimes a good bull has offspring that are not of great quality," said Piet du Toit, one of the animal's owners. "[Horizon's] offspring have unbelievable genetics and we therefore know that we are guaranteed excellent offspring."
Breeding high quality animals is big business in parts of Africa as hunting enthusiasts often pay huge amounts of money for the privilege of hunting the most impressive specimens at game reserves.
Horizon however lives like a king - at least in buffalo terms - and when summer comes around this year he's going to be busy ensuring that there are plenty more of his offspring on the way.
New York Post |
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Buffalo, Horizon
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