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Space & Astronomy

Six more deep space radio bursts picked up

By T.K. Randall
December 24, 2016 · Comment icon 4 comments

Is a neutron star responsible for the bursts ? Image Credit: Casey Reed - Penn State University
Scientists have detected a further six mystery radio bursts originating from outside of our galaxy.
It's a phenomenon that has managed to defy explanation for years - powerful bursts of radio waves originating from far beyond our own galaxy that, despite lasting mere milliseconds, generate as much energy as the Sun does in an entire day.

Earlier this year, ten of these bursts were picked up coming from a single region of space and now six more have been detected that also appear to have originated from the same location.

In general these bursts are particularly difficult to study, not because they are rare, but because they are so short-lived and sudden that it is a challenge to even detect them at all.
One theory is that the bursts are being produced by the collision of two neutron stars - an event that produces a black hole - but this doesn't explain the repeating nature of the phenomenon.

Another, more plausible explanation is that the bursts are being produced by a young neutron star that is rotating with sufficient power to emit such bright pulses on a regular basis.

As things stand though, scientists simply don't know for sure what is causing them.

Source: Science Alert | Comments (4)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Grand Moff Tarkin 8 years ago
We've had the WoW! signal a while back, would this be the "hmmmmm" signal? 
Comment icon #2 Posted by brlesq1 8 years ago
Aliens. It's always aliens. 
Comment icon #3 Posted by Parsec 8 years ago
Yes, probably Superboy punching the fabric of reality somewhere. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by IamthemanfromNantucket 8 years ago
As long as Jodie Foster doesn't get on TV announcing that they have decoded blueprints for a giant Alien Transporter

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