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Amazon tribe has world's healthiest arteries

By T.K. Randall
March 19, 2017 · Comment icon 10 comments

It's amazing what exercise and a healthy diet can do. Image Credit: CC BY 4.0 JialiangGao
A new study has revealed that the indigenous Tsimane people have very low levels of vascular aging.
Despite living in one of the world's most dangerous environments, the tribes of the Amazon rainforest appear to have the healthiest hearts of any human population on the planet.

Researchers studying vascular aging and heart disease in populations across the world found that the Amazon's Tsimane people have the lowest incidence of coronary atherosclerosis ( hardened arteries ) of any population on Earth.
By comparison, heart disease is around five times as common in the United States.

"Our study shows that the Tsimane indigenous South Americans have the lowest prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis of any population yet studied," said senior author Prof Hillard Kaplan.

"Their lifestyle suggests that a diet low in saturated fats and high in non-processed fibre-rich carbohydrates, along with wild game and fish, not smoking and being active throughout the day could help prevent hardening in the arteries of the heart."

Source: Science Daily | Comments (10)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by aztek 8 years ago
diet, and exercise. 
Comment icon #2 Posted by seeder 8 years ago
  indeed, plus a lack of McDonalds and KFC... no bars of chocs, or bags of crisps, no pubs, no ready made ciggarettes, no ice cream van on hot days or bottles of coke a cola...etc etc etc Puts the rest of us to shame!!
Comment icon #3 Posted by Parsec 8 years ago
Comment icon #4 Posted by Parsec 8 years ago
But yeah, theoretically the less processed food, the better.  Then you find out how they feed animals and you decide that maybe vegetables are healthier.  Then you learn about what ends up in our soils and groundwaters, from which veggies draw nutrients, and understand that it's probably nigh impossible to have real healthy food in our Western world.    And then you realise that a big mac is not so bad after all. 
Comment icon #5 Posted by aquatus1 8 years ago
Agreed.  Nature has never been a synonym for purity.
Comment icon #6 Posted by RabidMongoose 8 years ago
So much bad science in that. When the body doesnt get enough Omega-3 it produces LDL from combining saturated fat with glucose. You don't lower bad cholesterol by starving yourself of saturated fat. Saturated fat is an essential nutrient which is the main building block of all your bodies cells. Starving yourself of it causes accelerated aging. You instead reduce LDL by eating enough Omega-3. A pint of whole cows milk contains as much Omega-3 as a portion of oily fish. Low and behind the people drinking it have low LDL not high.
Comment icon #7 Posted by paperdyer 8 years ago
Well the alcohol in the beer would kill the germs in the spit.  No comment on the other subject.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Mant00 8 years ago
Life expectancy of the Tsimane tribe 42 years.
Comment icon #9 Posted by LabotomusRex 8 years ago
I think that its because they live in one of the largest natural air purifiers in the world(the jungle) all of that fauna cleans the air that they breath also there land is still untainted by environmental runoff due to irrigation,well most of it compared to the rest of the Argentinean beef is also a great example of this,it's the best beef in the world because the cows feed on natural untainted fauna. I learned this from taking bovine liver supplements while working out im not sure but I think that the US FDA requires liver supplements to come from only Argentina because all other beef liver ... [More]
Comment icon #10 Posted by LabotomusRex 8 years ago
There life expectancy also considers their environment,they live amongst creatures that try to eat them and poison them not unlike a metropolitan city found anywhere in the world I know but what they deal with just to survive is primal.

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