Space & Astronomy
Has China managed to crack NASA's EmDrive ?
T.K. RandallSeptember 13, 2017 ·
Could EmDrive really revolutionize space travel ? Image Credit: NASA
Chinese scientists have allegedly built a working prototype of the 'impossible' space engine.
The electromagnetic propulsion engine, which some scientists believe could herald a new era of spaceflight by replacing conventional chemical rocket engines, has been a hot topic recently.
EmDrive allegedly works by converting electrical power in to thrust without the need for propellant through a process that scientists argue is in direct violation of the laws of physics.
Research into the mysterious drive has so far yielded promising results, however it has remained unclear exactly how it works or whether or not it can be adapted for use on an actual spacecraft.
Now though, scientists in China led by Dr Chen Yue have reportedly succeeded in putting together their own working prototype of this promising new space engine.
"National research institutions in recent years have carried out a series of long-term, repeated tests on the EmDrive," said Dr Chen. "NASA's published test results can be said to re-confirm the technology. We have successfully developed several specifications of multiple prototype principles."
According to reports, the prototype currently only generates a few millinewtons of thrust - something that will need to be improved upon before the drive can be tested out on a satellite in space.
As things stand though, it looks as though EmDrive is very much the real deal.
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