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'Miracle house' has oil oozing from its walls

By T.K. Randall
August 21, 2018 · Comment icon 15 comments

The house's owners attribute the phenomena to divine intervention. Image Credit:
Situated in Sydney, Australia, the house has gained a reputation for helping couples conceive children.
The otherwise unremarkable three-bedroom house began to exhibit strange happenings back in 2008 after the son of owners George and Lina Tannous was killed in a car accident.

His parents believe that the peculiar oil oozing from the walls is a manifestation of his spirit. They also claim that since the phenomenon started, the unexplained substance has formed words and religious symbols, as well as their son's birth date.

In addition to its peculiar oil secretions, the house has also gained a reputation for healing the sick and helping couples become pregnant - even when doctors have claimed that it is impossible.

In one case, a woman became pregnant with her third child after visiting the house, despite being told that her chances of pregnancy were extremely slim.

In another case, the house has been attributed with curing a young child's cancer.
But could the house truly be responsible for these supposed 'miracles' ?

Tim Mendham, executive officer and editor of Australian Skeptics, maintains that the oil on the walls may have been deliberately placed there.

"If I can be so cynical, the early photos show the oil at shoulder height, which was the right height for someone throwing it on the wall," he said. "Only now is it higher and on the roof."

An analysis of the substance (see the video below) has also revealed that it consists mainly of water with only small traces of oil, however efforts to explain how it got there have proven inconclusive.

As things stand, the truth behind Sydney's "miracle house" continues to remain elusive.

Source: | Comments (15)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #6 Posted by freetoroam 6 years ago
No problem with DNA, thats what we got Jeremy Kyle for. And no, i am not in that groud either, right now. 
Comment icon #7 Posted by Grandpa Greenman 6 years ago
Stupid me, I would take the wall apart to see what is causing it, would never think to turn it into a cash cow. 
Comment icon #8 Posted by DirtyDocMartens 6 years ago
Yeah, me too!
Comment icon #9 Posted by Hammerclaw 6 years ago
"There's a sucker born every minute."
Comment icon #10 Posted by paperdyer 6 years ago
But then you wouldn't have the Tourist Trap.... I mean religious significance.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Nzo 6 years ago
I was thinking the exact same thing. It would never ever enter my mind that it was some kind of miraculous event happening before my eyes. And exactly why does god, devil, alien race, etc. always look for stupid ways to communicate with us? Why not a nice meet and greet with a lengthy satisfying conversation over some nice ice cold beverage? Its always some enigmatic feces that only the religious zealots can understand. And while we are at it how about we start putting those lazy ass souls to work on the planet? Cleaning up the mess they themselves created and added too? Would it be to much if... [More]
Comment icon #12 Posted by Jon the frog 6 years ago
Yep people are becoming more and more insane, please let Darwin theory do his work !
Comment icon #13 Posted by MERRY DMAS 6 years ago
Comment icon #14 Posted by Doug1029 6 years ago
Once oil gets into something, it spends an eternity oozing out. I spilled a quart of oil on my living room rug.  No amount of cleaner could do the job.  I finally had to replace the rug. That oil oozing out of the walls is not a miracle.  How did it get in there in the first place?  The answer to that might be your miracle. Doug
Comment icon #15 Posted by Jon the frog 5 years ago
Just burn the house maybe they will see Jesus in the flame...

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