World of the Bizarre
Woman exorcises sofa, burns down house
T.K. RandallAugust 29, 2018 ·
Setting fire to your furniture is never a good idea. Image Credit: James E. Foehl / US Navy
A woman in Louisiana ended up setting her own house on fire after attempting to exorcise a 'possessed' sofa.
The peculiar series of events occurred back on August 11th when 53-year-old JoLynn Winn of Arnold Road in Louisiana set her sofa on fire because she believed that it was possessed by the Devil.
While it's unclear whether or not this apparent 'ritual' was successful in extricating the demon from the furniture, there was no mistaking the subsequent fire that quickly tore through the property.
Suffering from smoke inhalation, Winn was ultimately rescued from the building by firefighters.
She was also arrested by the fire marshall for starting the blaze in the first place.
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Possession, Exorcism
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