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'Bugpocalypse' sees major decline in insects

By T.K. Randall
October 16, 2018 · Comment icon 7 comments

Insects are disappearing. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Bernard DUPONT
A worrying new study has highlighted the catastrophic effects of global warming on insect populations.
The research, which focused on the Puerto Rico rainforest, recorded a significant drop in the number of insects and insect-eating mammals over the last few decades following an average rise in temperature of around two degrees Celsius.

Some insect groups, such as millipedes and sowbugs, have declined by over 60 percent.

"Our results suggest that the effects of climate warming in tropical forests may be even greater than anticipated," said study lead author Brad Lister from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
"The insect populations in the Luquillo forest are crashing, and once that begins the animals that eat the insects have insufficient food, which results in decreased reproduction and survivorship and consequent declines in abundance."

In addition to insect decline in tropical regions, there is also evidence to suggest that insect numbers are plummeting in Europe as well. In Germany, for instance, there has been a 76 percent decline in flying insects across multiple nature reserves over the last few decades.

"This study in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) is a real wake-up call - a clarion call - that the phenomenon could be much, much bigger, and across many more ecosystems," said invertebrate conservation expert David Wagner from the University of Connecticut.

"This is one of the most disturbing articles I have ever read."

Source: New Zealand Herald | Comments (7)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Seti42 6 years ago
Fake News. China made up climate change.
Comment icon #2 Posted by XenoFish 6 years ago Yep. I'm real worried about it.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Trenix 6 years ago
China is the leading contributor to pretty much all of Earth's pollution, especially Asia. Strange how no one ever points the finger at China and demands change, but they do so to other countries and shame America which is an example of how to keep pollution under control. If only liberals went after the right people, the vast majority would assist their premise.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Nnicolette 6 years ago
I wouldnt assume its warm weather that doesnt even make any sense. The first random conclusion i would jump to is a rise in radiation. Has anyone ever watched the 100? First the insects die, then the fish and all the way up the chain.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Seti42 6 years ago
The global community goes after China all the time on pollution. Most of the attacks on the US's pollution come from the US itself. As it should be. Every nation should start by policing their own practices regarding sustainability and environmental issues. Also, we in the US currently have a ruling administration/political party that is going backwards on, and in some cases outright ignoring, global climate science issues.
Comment icon #6 Posted by qxcontinuum 6 years ago
Interesting I thought is the other way around. Whenever there's a heatwave the number of insect grow.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Trenix 6 years ago
That's the real fakenews. What you talking about the Paris Accord? Have the United States take the biggest hit while China could profit as always? Everyone is always Russia this and Russia that. China is the one I rather keep an eye on. A communist regime that has no regard to the environment or its people. People are going missing in their country from pure freedom of speech. Again liberals don't think, just listen to whatever narrative that mainstream media tells them. Not surprisingly China invest into whoever defends their garbage regime. They're not as bad as North Korea, but they're not ... [More]

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