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New Tesla Roadster can 'fly' like the DeLorean

By T.K. Randall
January 12, 2019 · Comment icon 10 comments

Are flying cars about to become a reality ? Image Credit: Twitter / Elon Musk / Richie Hill
According to Elon Musk, the upcoming supercar will have thrusters enabling it to fly through the air.
Due to go in to production in 2020, Tesla's latest Roadster model will be so advanced that it will reportedly be capable of hovering above the road much like the DeLorean in Back to the Future.

The cutting-edge feature will be available as part of the "SpaceX addon package" which equips the $200,000 vehicle with thrusters to help with cornering and breaking at high speeds.

Last week, CEO Elon Musk Tweeted an animation of the DeLorean hovering in the air alongside the caption - "The new Roadster will actually do something like this."
When asked if he was joking, he added - "I'm not. Will use SpaceX cold gas thruster system with ultra high pressure air in a composite over-wrapped pressure vessel in place of the 2 rear seats."

"You can basically accelerate at the limit of human endurance."

When someone later asked him if the car will be capable of covering a quarter of a mile in less than eight seconds, Musk replied - "No problem... Vertically or horizontally ?"

Whether the new Roadster really will be able to fly as he claims however remains to be seen.

Source: CNBC | Comments (10)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by AllPossible 6 years ago
The Fast and the Delirious starring  Elon Musk
Comment icon #2 Posted by Stiff 6 years ago
I like the way this guy thinks. A do'er, not a talker.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Nnicolette 6 years ago
Yes! I'm just going to call him Iron Man from now on.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Stiff 6 years ago
Here ya go   
Comment icon #5 Posted by danydandan 6 years ago
He is chancer above it all. 
Comment icon #6 Posted by Stiff 6 years ago
Chancer or not, he's achieved a lot more than most people would ever dream to and putting into practice ideas that most wouldn't even conceive. Yes, he may be a bit quirky (who isn't?) and maybe even a tad cocky at times but he puts his money where his mouth is and I believe that his intentions are for the benefit of mankind, not the other way round.   All hail Musk! 
Comment icon #7 Posted by danydandan 6 years ago
He certainly is estute, he puts his investors money where his mouth is too.  But I'm not sure he is doing anything for the betterment of mankind, that's not his motivation. But I don't really care about that.  My only issue with the man is, he is very influential that much is obvious, he doesn't use that influence for the betterment for the people of his home Country. South Africa is in tatters he could help. I know he has offered to install an untested type of electrical grid with capacitors and battery storage to stop the rolling brown/black outs that are on going since that Indian fella t... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by Hankenhunter 6 years ago
Nothing he does surprises me anymore. I mean that in a generally good way. He has done many good things and a few not so good things. He could dump his billions on feeding the hungry, but in the end he would be broke and the people still hungry. I like to think he's looking at the larger picture of kickstarting humanities search for new worlds to inhabit. There's a long way to go, but at least he's made a start.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Mystify 6 years ago
Gotta give the guy props. He may be failing along the way, but he's getting stuff done after the trial and errors. Better then no balls at all.
Comment icon #10 Posted by SmartAZ 6 years ago
Oh great! People can't cope in two dimensions and he wants to give everybody three! You might notice that people who talk about flying cars always assume they have the only one in town! Bear in mind that at one time there were only two automobiles in all of Chicago ... They collided!

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