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UK SETI launches largest alien contact survey

By T.K. Randall
July 1, 2019 · Comment icon 101 comments

How would you react in the event of alien contact ? Image Credit: CC0 Pixabay
Researchers want to ascertain the public's views on how humanity should respond to first contact with aliens.
The question of whether we are alone in the universe remains one of the biggest philosophical conundrums of our time. While it seems almost inconceivable that our civilization is alone in the cosmos, the fact still remains that we have yet to see any evidence to the contrary.

But what would happen if we did happen to detect a signal from an intelligent alien civilization ?

This week the UK Seti Research Network (UKSRN) is launching what is being billed as the largest ever survey of the general public's attitude towards contact with intelligent alien life.

"There is absolutely no procedure enshrined in international law on how to respond to a signal from an alien civilization," said astronomer Martin Dominik. "We want to hear people's views."

"The consequences affect more people than just scientists."
Even if we did happen to intercept an alien signal however, would we be able to understand it ?

"We can't rely on there being a Rosetta stone, or some great decipherment crib, in the signal," said Dr John Elliott. "It will take time to understand and if that work starts to drag out and there is nothing new we can say, the information vacuum will be filled with speculation."

"Conjecture and rumour will take over."

Suffice to say, in such a scenario, determining truth from speculation may prove a challenge.

You can view and respond to the UK Seti Research Network survey - here.

Source: The Guardian | Comments (101)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #92 Posted by Piney 5 years ago
I want to see photographic proof of that. It was probably a Bell "Stealth Ranger" and the sheriff was exaggerating. Not all Blackhawks are black. I've seen tan ones.  It was named for the Indian chief Blackhawk. 
Comment icon #93 Posted by Manwon Lender 5 years ago
Hey partner, BlackHawk choppers are not attack helicopters they serve as troop carriers, and medical evacuation. The Apache and Cobra are the main attack helicopters, the Apache is a really amazing aircraft, the pilot has an eye piece that lases the target, where ever he looks is where the 30mm canon rounds hits. They also carry a compliment of Hellfire missiles, those things will destroy any tank that they can see. While you can mount some weapons on a BlackHawk, they are not considered attack Helicopters.
Comment icon #94 Posted by Manwon Lender 5 years ago
The Blackhawk could be a number of colors depending where it used. The Tan colored ones most likely saw service in the Middle East if they are military. I have seen an all Black Blackhawk, they must use them in the civilian world.
Comment icon #95 Posted by Manwon Lender 5 years ago
Your right Government computers are monitored, there are programs that sift through the material looking for catch words. These words can be anything that they are searching for, this is something that is also done on the internet in general. Most kinds if not all kinds of social media are monitored, for all we know this forum could be monitored. I don't know when it all started but after 9/11 many things changed.
Comment icon #96 Posted by Manwon Lender 5 years ago
What if the aliens look like a butt hole with arms and legs, attractive people by our standards may offend them.
Comment icon #97 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 5 years ago
Oh, yea...?  How does it feel to "want"? 
Comment icon #98 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 5 years ago
I love how the news accounts state two reasons for the lockdown, (porn janitor acting up, serial killer) but the FBI would not in fact even tell Sheriff Benny House what was going on  Sheriff slams FBI's handling of observatory closure: 'It's chicken ... '  FBI mum SUNSPOT, New Mexico - Otero County Sheriff Benny House told ABC-7's New Mexico Mobile Newsroom Monday he was infuriated at the way the FBI handled the sudden and mysterious closure of the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico.  "I think it's chicken **** the way the FBI handled it. I have a responsibility to protect ... [More]
Comment icon #99 Posted by joc 5 years ago
As long as everyone is speculating... The F in FBI stands for 'Federal'.  Perhaps the Solar Observatory is much more than a 'solar observatory'.  Maybe it's spying on bad people...and... why does everyone think the FBI either shares or should share their classified information with sheriffs and the like?  There is protocol in everything...a need to know.  Since we don't 'know'...we can only assume the sheriff doesn't have a need to know either.  And now...back to the original question: If they came here...most likely it is because we have something they we should destroy them al... [More]
Comment icon #100 Posted by Habitat 5 years ago
You watched too much Dr Who, joc.
Comment icon #101 Posted by Scholar4Truth 5 years ago
I come in peace 

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