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Ghosts & Hauntings

Mother spots 'ghost' woman watching her kids

By T.K. Randall
November 30, 2019 · Comment icon 9 comments

Who was the mystery woman watching the children ? Image Credit: Facebook / Leila Livingston
A mother-of-four couldn't believe her eyes when she spotted another woman on her baby monitor.
Leila Livingston, who lives in North Carolina, had been getting dressed in her bedroom when to her horror she suddenly caught sight of an adult woman down in the sitting room with her kids.

"Since their new obsession is The Lion King, I decided to put the movie on so they'd sit and watch it so I could get ready," she wrote. "They were sitting quietly on the couch. Jayce (the youngest) was in his chair beside them. I turned the camera on them and was watching them from the iPad upstairs."

"Every so often I would glance down and every time they were sitting in the same spot watching the movie. But this time I looked down and saw someone (an adult) sitting on my couch looking at the baby and the babies just watching their movie like it was no big deal."

"My heart dropped. I ran downstairs and turned the corner to the living room and no one was on the couch. I JUST saw them ten seconds before."
"The babies were still sitting there in the same exact spots watching their movie. This person was on my camera but not actually there? Naturally I assumed it was a ghost and I caught it on my camera!"

As it turned out however, an explanation to the mystery would soon present itself.

"I ran back upstairs to see if I could see this ghost again," she wrote. "I looked at my iPad and they were sitting on my couch still! I called my mom to show her this ghost on my iPad."

"As I was getting ready to show her, I looked down and lost it. Somehow my iPad went from the camera's live view to a clip that was recorded earlier. It was me. I was the ghost on the couch."

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Kittens Are Jerks 5 years ago
Funny story. But surely it can't be that difficult to recognise one's self on video.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Stiff 5 years ago
My thoughts exactly.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Seti42 5 years ago
Another one where I'm really glad the person admitted they were wrong. Again, we need more of that in the paranormal event reporting 'community'. We need less people intentionally or unintentionally forwarding misinformation. On another note, this also shows how easy it is to fool one's self and go by that fearful, panicked, and instinctual gut reaction to an image or event. We're hard-wired to fight or flee first, and think about stuff later. This alone creates so many false positives in paranormal study and reporting.
Comment icon #4 Posted by DieChecker 5 years ago
A really good story to tell at parties and family gatherings. 
Comment icon #5 Posted by Rlyeh 5 years ago
I gather she's never looked in a mirror?
Comment icon #6 Posted by Big Jim 5 years ago
My first reaction was to agree with the posters who question why she didn't recognize herself, but then I remember the times I've seen myself on some CCTV monitor in a store and wonder who's that old fat guy? It takes a few seconds before I realize it's me and I often recognize my shirt first. If I panicked and ran out of the room in a split second it might never occur to me that it's me.
Comment icon #7 Posted by OverSword 5 years ago
So how did this become news?
Comment icon #8 Posted by Openmindhere 5 years ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one that's ever done that! 
Comment icon #9 Posted by Seti42 5 years ago
Exactly. Most of us only see ourselves in the mirror every morning or in the occasional photo (really superficial 'influencers' and selfie-masters aside...) Never on camera from a fixed overhead and far away viewpoint that's supposed to be 'live'. I don't know what I really look like, aside from when I shave, wash my face, brush my teeth, etc. It took me years to learn I have a bald spot, LMAO.

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