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The UFO Phenomenon

Harry Reid opens up on UFOs and alien life

By T.K. Randall
May 11, 2020 · Comment icon 6 comments

Harry Reid and Barack Obama in the Oval Office. Image Credit: PD - Pete Souza
The former Senate Majority Leader has long been involved in the search for the truth regarding UFOs.
Reid, who was involved in the creation of the US government's secretive UFO program AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), recently sat down for an interview with Motherboard in which he discussed not only UFOs, but also the possibilities of alien life.

Suffice to say, he is a keen proponent of the idea that we are not alone in the universe.

"I look at it this way," he said. "The world as we know it today is extremely large."

"It's so big I can't comprehend it. And I think that we as human beings have to be a little short sighted if we think we're the only species in the entire universe."

Regarding UFOs in general, Reid has often emphasized the need for further research and investigation. When the Pentagon recently declassified three videos of US Navy pilots pursuing unidentified objects, he noted on Twitter that the footage "only scratches the surface".
"I think that we need to fully understand this and have no boundaries on what we look for," he said.

"And I repeat now for the second or third time that people should not be afraid. I think that too many of my legislative friends are afraid to go into this because someone will think that they're some kind of a nutcase. But I went into it and I don't think it hurt me politically."

"Even some of my staff told me to stay away from all this. But I never looked back. It was something I was interested in. I thought it was something that government should be involved in."

As things stand, it's unclear what the future might hold, but it's likely that Reid will continue to champion the cause by encouraging further government research and disclosure.

There is, after all, a great deal of information out there that has yet to be released to the public.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Seti42 4 years ago
I think it's a big leap to go from the logical "we're not the only intelligent life in the universe" to the (IMO) illogical "they've visited us. A lot." UFO's could also be alien AI probes. Or even time (or inter-dimensional) travelers. Or top secret craft from any of a handful of nations (including the US, obviously) capable of such a thing. Or non-government experimental tech. Or natural phenomena that's really poorly understood. Or a combination of all or some of these things. Or something else. I agree 100% the phenomenon should be taken seriously and studied, though. It shouldn't be a r... [More]
Comment icon #2 Posted by Laserburn 4 years ago
He just wants to be anally probed.
Comment icon #3 Posted by the13bats 4 years ago
Comment icon #4 Posted by I'mConvinced 4 years ago
Just another 'crazy' person backed by a 'mad' government who have been spending tax payer dollars investigating nothing at all for 60+ years.  Amirite? 
Comment icon #5 Posted by freetoroam 4 years ago
Possibilities? So he has nothing.  It is possible there is alien life out there, but they are not visiting Earth, hence he says possible and not 'there is alien life'.  They have had enough funding, if they are convinced, then convince us with what they have got! Or maybe they need more funding!!  
Comment icon #6 Posted by Berwen 4 years ago
We wonder what his personal agenda is or is he just "blowing off steam" If there was alien life forms we will have discovered it already. So far all claims of aliens have been scientifically explained away. It is also a distinct possibility that we are the most advanced society in all the galaxies. 

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