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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Couple spots 'bus-sized' creature in Loch Ness

By T.K. Randall
September 26, 2020 · Comment icon 119 comments

Could Nessie be a giant eel ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Ben Buxton
Corey Sturrock and his wife had been out for a walk when they spotted something very large in the water.
The encounter, which took place on Saturday at around 3.40pm, occurred while the couple were walking along the shoreline at Dores - a small village on the northeastern side of the loch.

"I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster," said Corey. "But what my wife and I saw was something quite extraordinary and I would like to know if other people have seen the same."

He described the creature as 'eel-like' but also 'the size of a bus'.

"We saw the water rippling as if something was swelling, and that is what grabbed our attention," he said. "We then saw this thing, that looked like a massive eel rise from the water, and then go back under again. There was a large swell."
The same thing was also witnessed by several other people who had been walking nearby.

Sadly however, Corey was unable to capture the spectacle on camera.

"I reached for my phone - but it was all over in a matter of about 10 or 20 seconds - and it only showed itself for a few seconds," he said.

"By the time I got my phone out it had gone underneath again."

As for what the creature was - Corey is skeptical that it was a literal monster but believes that it could have been some sort of large eel that lives in the loch.

"Whatever it was it was some size," he said.

Source: Inverness Courier | Comments (119)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #110 Posted by onlookerofmayhem 4 years ago
You've had a supernatural experience with the Loch Ness monster?
Comment icon #111 Posted by Chronus 4 years ago
No, not nessie.
Comment icon #112 Posted by onlookerofmayhem 4 years ago
Well, I guess there's no point discussing anything with you if you believe your own supernatural experience justifies believing any unevidenced story as possible. You can literally make up any details you want. Or believe any details you want for that matter.
Comment icon #113 Posted by Chronus 4 years ago
Fair enough, nice small chat I guess  
Comment icon #114 Posted by Nobu 4 years ago
Heck, this is as legitimate a hypothesis as I’ve heard on the LNM. Cheers
Comment icon #115 Posted by Chronus 4 years ago
Literally thats the first time I've done something that big before haha, I typed it on my phone as well.
Comment icon #116 Posted by ocpaul20 4 years ago
Look at Skinwalker Ranch, Brown Mountain, Parker Ranch, and many other places in that area and in other areas of the world too. There are many many places which consistently have lights, creatures, UFOs, ghosts, and all manner of things reported. Why does everyone rule out a portal of some kind to another place which shares these creatures with our reality? Why? because there is no 'evidence' and thats the only thing which makes our world 'real' for some of us. That is a terrible limitation which those people are allowing and it does not define reality at all.
Comment icon #117 Posted by stereologist 4 years ago
Eels would need to pass dams. Champ in lake Champlain would need to pass the flood control dams on the Richelieu River
Comment icon #118 Posted by Alchopwn 4 years ago
I have no doubt that eels can pass dams, in either direction.  Many dams also come with salmon ladders.  No eel would require a salmon ladder but they could in extremis make use of one, if not by leaping, then by slithering, but in fact they could simply "portage" overland around obstacles such as dams too.
Comment icon #119 Posted by stereologist 4 years ago
Only a few fish are capable of that "portage".  They are distance and timed limited. Eels can make some travel possible because of their thick skin. Eels have been found traveling over land, but no sizeable eels have been found making that a moot point as far as large eels is concerned. I believe that the salmon in Lake Champlain are land locked salmon. That occurred due to the dams not being fitted with fish ladders  

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