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Has the metal monoliths mystery been solved ?

By T.K. Randall
December 5, 2020 · Comment icon 10 comments

Are the monoliths simply art installations ? Image Credit: Utah Department of Public Safety
An art group has come forward to claim responsibility for creating the Utah and California monoliths.
The mystery of who is behind the mysterious '2001' inspired sructures has finally been solved; that is, at least, based on the apparent confession of 'The Most Famous Artist' - a global artist community that has taken responsibility for creating them and is now selling replicas on its website.

Speculation over the nature and origins of the monoliths, which have turned up in Utah, California and even Romania, had been rife for weeks, with many suspecting that they were part of some sort of promotional stunt, perhaps for an upcoming movie or brand awareness campaign.

It seems now however that it is simply a stunt designed to sell replicas for upwards of $45,000.

"I am not able to say much because of legalities of the original installation," said founder Matty Mo.
"I can say we are well known for stunts of this nature and at this time we are offering authentic art objects through monoliths-as-a-service. I cannot issue additional images at this time but I can promise more on this in the coming days and weeks."

But is the group really responsible for the monoliths or are they simply attempting to make money on the back of the phenomenon ?

The search for answers continues.

Source: Mashable | Comments (10)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by the13bats 4 years ago
Its a profit deal
Comment icon #2 Posted by susieice 4 years ago
Everybody is parodying this. Hippos at the San Antonio Zoo have one too. There's not going to be big money in this. These things will be popping up all over. It's a running joke. https://www.chron.com/news/local/article/One-of-the-mysterious-monoliths-has-now-made-its-15776324.php Now people all over the world have parodied the phenomenon. The local zoo has decided to join in on the fun.
Comment icon #3 Posted by DebDandelion 4 years ago
Nooooooooo, I love a good mystery. Spoil sport!   
Comment icon #4 Posted by quiXilver 4 years ago
They're a rudimentary yet elegant design.  But 35K??? lmao you must be joking! Swing by our shop and we'll make one in half a day after one call to the local metal supply. A few precise cuts, four bends, with three seams to close up.  I'd even blind weld the internals and leave no surface indicators.  (and that Romanian one, with the amateur brushwork surface treatment reveals their lack of experience). Easily created in a matter of hours by hand.    eta:  the one impressive aspect to me was where they installed the Utah version.  Getting there and installing it in that spot was the rea... [More]
Comment icon #5 Posted by rashore 4 years ago
35000 for a knockoff of the original piece? Yeah, that sure is someone trying to cash in on a trend.
Comment icon #6 Posted by jethrofloyd 4 years ago
Utah Monolith: Alien hunter believes structure may have been taken to Area 51 https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1368440/utah-monolith-aliens-area-51-men-in-black-alien-news-evg Alien hunters and conspiracy theorists were sent into a frenzy on November 18 when a helicopter flyby from the Utah Department of Public Safety found a huge metal structure in the middle of the Utah desert. The mysterious monolith popped up without reason and warning, leading experts to be baffled over its discovery. However, as mysteriously as it arrived, the monolith vanished over the weekend of November 28.
Comment icon #7 Posted by DanL 4 years ago
I knew that it was just  matter of time before someone claimed to have done this. We will see now how many others make the claim. Whoever did it though did a nice job of creating an interesting thing.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Scholar4Truth 4 years ago
Here's another one https://i.stuff.co.nz/travel/destinations/usa/300176049/monolith-mystery-solved-stunt-artists-seemingly-claim-responsibility-offer-to-sell-them-for-63k
Comment icon #9 Posted by jethrofloyd 4 years ago
Monolith appears on Isle of Wight (UK) https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-55212336   The unusual mirrored structure was discovered on the Isle of Wight, an island off the south coast of England. Island resident Alexia Fishwick said she "was dumbstruck" when she came across it during a walk on Sunday and described it as "really quite magical". A monolith found in Utah last month created wild speculation on social media and apparent copycats. Many observers have presumed they were art installations left by sculptors.
Comment icon #10 Posted by burt_ie 4 years ago
Artists have been doing this for a long time. John McCracken is a famous artist who has been making these styles of monoliths for decades. This 'The Most Famous Artist' group are most likely just trying to get themselves some free publicity and buzz. https://www.carlsonbakerarts.com/john-mccracken

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