World of the Bizarre
Woman marries a briefcase named Gideon
T.K. RandallDecember 16, 2020 ·
This is the very definition of an unconventional relationship. Image Credit:
A woman from Moscow got married recently to a briefcase that she 'met' 5 years ago in a hardware store.
Rain Gordon, who works as a nursery school teacher, first became infatuated with inanimate objects at a young age when she fell in love with a new shopping center that had opened nearby.
She has since fallen in love with - and married - a metal briefcase she has named 'Gideon'.
"The sight of Gideon makes my heart skip a beat," she told
Caters, as part of an effort to explain her feelings and to tackle some of the stigma involved in the idea of loving objects rather than people.
"I am madly in love with silver, mirror reflections and metal. People don't understand my feeling. I've been told I'm sick and to seek treatment. I don't let it offend me anymore."
"I had no idea that we would end up together. I admired how he looked, but I didn't think anything more. But then I started liking Gideon for more than that. I slowly realized I was starting to fall in love."
According to Gordon, she did have a previous relationship with a (human) man, but they broke up after two years.
"When faced with a choice between him and Gideon, I chose Gideon without any hesitation," she said.
"I always have and always will choose him. For me, objects - although I don't really like using that word - really are better than people."
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