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The UFO Phenomenon

Obama on UFOs: 'we don't know what they are'

By T.K. Randall
May 19, 2021 · Comment icon 156 comments

What does Obama know about UFOs ? Image Credit: The White House
Former US President Barack Obama spoke about the subject of UFOs during a recent television interview.
Speaking during an appearance on 'The Late Late Show with James Corden', Obama responded to a question from Reggie Watts on the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors.

Initially implying that he wasn't able to disclose everything he knows (as well as offering a tongue-in-cheek comment about aliens being kept in secret labs), he went on to talk about the various US Navy videos which show unidentified objects maneuvering in US airspace.

"What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there is footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are," he said.
"We can't explain how they move, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so I think that people still take seriously, trying to investigate and figure out what that is."

While it's difficult to know exactly how much Obama does know about the topic, it is very likely that he was exposed to the subject at some point during the eight years he spent in office.

Also, while his comment about not being able to disclose what he knows live on air was presented in a somewhat tongue-in-cheek manner, there is probably some truth to it.

Whether or not he knows more about the US Navy videos than he is letting on however is unclear.

Source: NBC News | Comments (156)

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Comment icon #147 Posted by ChrLzs 3 years ago
Having read the headlines about the 'report', all I can say is.. time to move the goalposts again, true believers.   And note that, exactly as I and others have predicted, the while the report makes vague claims that some alleged maneuvers are currently unexplained, NONE, I repeat ZERO NADA ZILCH of those claimed unexplainable maneuvers are in any of the videos, and neither has any radar data and proper analysis shown any of those maneuvers.   In other words, it seems that ONLY a few pilots' tales contain these claims.  Again, happy to be proven wrong....  Anyone like to dispute that?
Comment icon #148 Posted by ChrLzs 3 years ago
This applies to this thread too, so here it is again: Here's the most recent input on the topic from Big Neil "I'd love me some aliens!!" Degrasse Tyson.. Essentially, he says... While yes, there are probably aliens way out there..   No they haven't visited us - too far and too rare and too many people with cameras are all failing to capture anything.  And our perceptions cannot be trusted.  "In science, eyewitness testimony is so lowly rated, we don't even accept it.." It'll be interesting to see if he returns for any additional comments now that "The Report" is being released.  But given... [More]
Comment icon #149 Posted by susieice 3 years ago
They just showed clips from Navy pilots who encountered something they couldn't identify on ABC World News Tonight. The pilots talked about how the "aircraft" was moving, and against the wind. They were showing cockpit video. The broadcast just said they can't identify them or where they come from, but they have nothing to do with the US. They do seem to be able to out maneuver anything we have.
Comment icon #150 Posted by ChrLzs 3 years ago
It's this claim I have a problem with.  And it is of course, the crux of the matter - if things maneuver like normal aircraft, then what is the issue...? The videos thus far presented do NOT, I repeat not show any fancy or unexplainable maneuvers.  These videos have been poured over here and at other forums, and they operate using systems that are well-understood and they show on the screen what is going on.  When you do the actual maths and trigonometry to identify how far away they were, how the aircraft's *own* relative velocity factored in, and how the camera tracking system ("Gimball"... [More]
Comment icon #151 Posted by susieice 3 years ago
I'm only going on what the pilots and the news said. 
Comment icon #152 Posted by ChrLzs 3 years ago
I know , Susie - I'm having a go at the media, not you!  This is being repeated and over - that there is evidence of these supposed maneuvers.  The "To The Stars" money-making organisation that is behind a lot of this (Luis Elizondo / Tom DeLonge), has been promising for years to show us real evidence of non-terrestrial stuff. But there either is none, or it is super classified..  These videos look 'other-worldly' because they are in IR and are showing things that Jane / Joe Average has not likely seen before.  But when properly examined, they are NOT evidence of anything unusual.
Comment icon #153 Posted by closed for business 3 years ago
Obama on UFOs: 'we don't know what they are' Pretty much wraps up what he has to say not sure why some think it means we know what they are and are not talking
Comment icon #154 Posted by AlphaGeek 3 years ago
I don't get on this site much, I only come to this forum as pure entertainment. So just now seeing your post to me. So to the point. There is irony here, but I am sure it will be lost to you. Carry on expert. You are doing well.
Comment icon #155 Posted by ChrLzs 3 years ago
I'm glad you speak for yourself.  Many others post things they can't explain or want help with.  And then others try to help.  It is both educational and entertaining. FTR, here is the earlier post from Alphageek, to which 13bats was responding:  Any questions, readers?  So, yes, I can see AG is indeed only here for entertainment, and perhaps irony.  Definitely not here to either give or take education. Not lost at all, but also not the irony you intended.  Some might call it hypocrisy.. Yes, 13bats does do very well..  Anyway, thanks for coming.     
Comment icon #156 Posted by AlphaGeek 3 years ago
The only one I can speak for is myself. You should try it. Others try to help, I am not an expert like some armchairs on here, besides I am here for the entertainment. If you are here for the additional educational benefits, that is a good thing.  Sorry if my reason for being here bothers you to the point you felt the need to say something. A lot of people are here to make good conversation. I enjoy those too, and have learned a few things, and at minimum given good food for thought. A few seem to just be here for entertainment, I mean who can take them serious with "My link is better than yo... [More]

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