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Creatures, Myths & Legends

'Bigfoot' stories abound in upstate New York

By T.K. Randall
June 29, 2021 · Comment icon 23 comments

What is lurking in the forests of upstate New York ? Image Credit: Steve Bexter / Pexels
Visitors and residents alike have described encounters with a strange 'screaming' creature in the region.
Michael Guimond, who hails from Massena, had been on his way home along County Route 37 at around 11:30pm on June 20th when something very strange happened.

Writing on Facebook, he described a fast-moving creature that crossed the road 50ft from his car.

"I was going 60, it crossed the road from right to left in less than a second," he wrote. "It was not a deer, I've seen plenty of deer."

"This thing was brown or gray, shaggy and had arms and legs that moved in a circular motion."
After his story was posted, several other people came forward to describe similar experiences. One of them - Aric Lauzon - had been plagued by encounters with a mysterious creature in the area for years.

"The woods at the back of my house went on for miles and miles," he wrote. "I was out there a couple nights and I kept hearing a loud screaming noise. It sounded like nothing I have ever heard before in my life. It sounds like a mix between an elephant and a bear, it goes right through you, it's deafening."

"The summer of 2013 was when it started getting really bad. Every night I would have company over and every time we were outside we would hear this thing screaming."

"One day I came home from work at 8 a.m. and my neighbors were all outside. While I was at work one of them ran through my yard... and destroyed my birdhouse."

"There was big footprints through my whole yard and hair stuck in my fence."

Source: Adirondack Daily Enterprise | Comments (23)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #14 Posted by Horta 4 years ago
The late Rene Dahinden was so impressed with Krantz that it caused him to observe..."the greatest obstacle for a bigfoot researcher is having a Ph.D" lol.
Comment icon #15 Posted by the13bats 4 years ago
I place r dahinden side by side with john green,  
Comment icon #16 Posted by Hawken 4 years ago
There are some states that passed laws where it's illegal to shoot a bigfoot while Arkansas wants to have an open season on them. Kinda odd when there's no hard evidence that one exist.
Comment icon #17 Posted by Myles 4 years ago
Which tells me allot.   A huge furry creature would leave hairs when walking through bristles yet hair is almost never found when people claim to have seen or video's a bigfoot.  
Comment icon #18 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 4 years ago
Yes. Yes! I just luvs me my BigFoots stories  Here are more Upper New York State BigFeets stories. Great for campfire sharing while eating smores - yummy!! Upper State New York BigFoot Stories - LINK Happy days. 
Comment icon #19 Posted by Resume 4 years ago
If I were telling campfires stories these days, I'd use a bear as the antagonist as they're actually a danger. Fly-fishing author and general raconteur John Gierach used the term bearanoia to describe the spooked feeling you'd get telling and listening to scary bear stories while camping in bear country; but can it really be called bearanoia if the Yogis are actually after you?
Comment icon #20 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 4 years ago
Bears are cool. But I think the kids know that bears sleep at night. Plus, Yogi bear and Smokey bear are loveable, not really scary and mysterious. The important part though, is the smores!   
Comment icon #21 Posted by Resume 4 years ago
Except the ones that don't, re:Night of the Grizzlies.  It's a good read, if a bit melodramatic . . .  kinda like a campfire story. Too, bears being real and actual predators of humans adds to the story.
Comment icon #22 Posted by psyche101 4 years ago
It's not sad, it's the most likely conclusion. 
Comment icon #23 Posted by Harte 4 years ago
Just popping in to establish my new standard Bigfoot claim response gif in this thread. Harte  

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