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Resurfaced Roswell letter describes 'fragile humanoids'

By T.K. Randall
November 2, 2021 · Comment icon 30 comments

An exhibit of the Roswell aliens at the Roswell UFO museum. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Jim Trottier
A letter from the son of a first-hand Roswell incident witness has been discovered among Stanton Friedman's papers.
There are few events in UFO lore as hotly debated as the Roswell incident, a case that continues to intrigue to this day and about which new evidence and testimonies continue to emerge.

Perhaps the foremost expert on the events that occurred back in June 1947 was the late UFO researcher Stanton Friedman who wrote several books and countless papers on the topic.

Now a previously unreleased letter that he had received from the son of an alleged military witness to the Roswell incident - who identifies himself only as Shawn - has been discovered among his research notes.

"I have a first-hand eyewitness account given to me by my father regarding flying saucers and so-called 'aliens' that I think you should hear," he wrote. "I also have relevant documentary evidence left to me by my father that I would like you to examine."

According to the letter, his father was part of a unit that had been sent to the scene of the crash. He described how the debris was unlike anything he had seen before despite having been familiar with jet engines and having trained as a mechanic.

"Everything was made of a strange metal alloy, what he called 'unobtanium,' very light and strong," Shawn wrote. "Some of the pieces could not be bent, while others were extremely flexible."

"There were no motors or moving parts at all, no propellers, jets, or nozzles. There were no visible cables, switches, gauges, vacuum tubes, or electronics of any kind."
"The strangest objects he said he found were metal reclining seats the size of a child, with notches for the head, body, arms and legs, including notches for hands with spaces for six fingers."

Shawn then went on to describe how his father had observed "three small bodies" that were "decomposing and smelled bad" being loaded onto an aircraft for transport.

He was told that these were the crew of the crashed ship.

He described the entities as "small and fragile" with "shark-like" skin and no ears, mouth or eyelids. They were humanoid, albeit smaller in proportion than a human. They also had six fingers on each hand which matched the shape and size of the notches he had observed inside the wreckage.

"My father said that he and the rest of the crew were immediately questioned by intelligence agents, who ordered them never to talk about what they had seen, forcing them to sign a confidentiality agreement that would be enforced under penalty of treason," the letter continues.

"For many years I have kept my father's secrets. He died unexpectedly a few years ago and since then I have wondered what to do with the information he left me. I think now is the time to reveal what I know."

The letter was reportedly obtained by an Argentinian website - - and has not been independently verified, so we don't even know for sure that it actually did come from Friedman's notes.

Whether or not there is any truth to it, however, it certainly makes for some interesting reading.

Source: BroBible | Comments (30)

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Comment icon #21 Posted by OverSword 3 years ago
Even though much of the Roswell incident has been explained pretty plausibly, and also the fact that I don't believe it's likely we have been visited by ET's, there is still something about this case.........
Comment icon #22 Posted by Phantom309 3 years ago
Yea, check out the book "Witness to Roswell" by Tom Carey and Don Schmitt - very eye opening with over 150 witness accounts, many first hand. 
Comment icon #23 Posted by Trelane 3 years ago
Nonsense, rubbish and conjecture. The nexus of a CT landfill.
Comment icon #24 Posted by John from Lowell 3 years ago
I actually watched a Youtube video about Roswell where everything got revealed. All the information was classified Top secret. That video was quickly remove from Youtube to protect our National Security. May be some day this evidence can be revealed in a way where it would not be so easily destroyed. John  
Comment icon #25 Posted by Dejarma 3 years ago
IF this letter is real then I can't see good ole Stan just forgetting about it.. More like it's something he made up himself but didn't push his luck by telling the public he has more stuff by someone anonymous.. Who are these people trying to kid!? Silly question= the gullible of course  
Comment icon #26 Posted by Nobu 3 years ago
These people here will never believe Roswell was anything other than a weather balloon. To their folly. Sheep that eat the spoon of government. Pathetic   was it an alien crash? No.   was it what the US government spoon feeds you sheep? Lol… not close.   Deathbed confessions of over 100 military personnel. They had nothing to gain or lose at the end. I’ll believe them over you people.
Comment icon #27 Posted by psyche101 3 years ago
So you feel hearsay is best evidence? 
Comment icon #28 Posted by Jon the frog 3 years ago
Well a bunch of primates got thrown into air and space in US testing...poor lads. Don't know how many by the military in secret test...
Comment icon #29 Posted by HollyDolly 3 years ago
 Well if little grey aliens did crash at Roswell,  we will never find out the true story due to NSA, and the CIA. I recall my dad, who was a flight crew chief and airplane mechanic  during WW2 mentioning the Foo Fighters also.
Comment icon #30 Posted by Robotic Jew 3 years ago
Wow. He must have been one of Dave Grohl's first fans!

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