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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Alleged 'river troll' photographed in Mississippi

By T.K. Randall
April 1, 2022 · Comment icon 39 comments

What could this be ? Image Credit: Phantoms and Monsters
A family who lived on a houseboat once captured a strange image in the waters of coastal Mississippi.
The image, which was recently submitted to Lon Strickler's 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog, shows what looks like a creature's head and eyes next to (and reflecting on) the water's surface.

While it's difficult to discern what the creature is, the image is certainly intriguing.

The photograph was submitted to Strickler's blog by a user who went only by the name 'B'. The sighting reportedly occurred back in 2015.

"Maybe 25 yards from us, something bent down near the water drinking," he wrote. "I went and retrieved my binoculars and took a closer look."
"It was pinkish tan with bulging eyes, funny looking ears, 2 arms and 2 legs, and what appeared to be horns coming out of it head. It had a short round body drinking from the shore."

"From what I saw, I would swear it was like a troll. It was devil ugly."

The sighting has since had a profound impact on the family.

"I still own that property and the houseboats, but none of my grown kids will even go out there anymore," he said.

Source: Phantoms and Monsters | Comments (39)

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Comment icon #30 Posted by LadyPhoenix 2 years ago
Looking at he image zoomed in, the thing looks more canid than anything else.  Wet fur, furry ears, and even the body shape described sounds like some sort of canine.  Wild pic, for certain, but I wish we had video and not just a still picture. 
Comment icon #31 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 2 years ago
You're not missing much, dead trees don't move 
Comment icon #32 Posted by LadyPhoenix 2 years ago
Only in the wild, but I suspect this was some known animal, just in an odd location, and not seen well, hence the idea of a "troll".  Still, I've spent some years in coastal areas, and there can be real weirdness now and then.
Comment icon #33 Posted by DanL 2 years ago
posting error
Comment icon #34 Posted by pellinore 2 years ago
It is a rule that images of unexplained phenomena can only be 125 pixels or less. If your camera is too powerful, you have to jerk it about to blur the image as you take it.
Comment icon #35 Posted by Tom1200 2 years ago
Also: when taking a photo of a screen, of something you found on the wonderful, educational, never-knowingly-incorrect-or -misleading internet, and then pretending it's a genuine image you captured yourself: i) make sure you're at such an awkward angle the image is distorted beyond plausibility, ii) try to capture screen reflections (but if of yourself you really ought to be dressed), iii) don't worry about any writing visible in 'your' photo: your target audience will buy any nonsensical bs explanation, iv) post here under your 20th silly alias, getting really indignant at anyone who pours d... [More]
Comment icon #36 Posted by Trelane 2 years ago
Sounds an awful lot like the UFO sub forums.
Comment icon #37 Posted by DamienV 2 years ago
Comment icon #38 Posted by Hammerclaw 2 years ago
Awe, someone just threw ole Willard the town drunk into the shallows, a-gain, to sober up.
Comment icon #39 Posted by Harte 2 years ago

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