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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Could whale genitalia explain sea monster sightings ?

By T.K. Randall
April 17, 2022 · Comment icon 19 comments

The Kraken - a giant octopus, or something else... ? Image Credit: Mary Evans Picture Library/Alamy
An ecology professor has put forward one of the strangest explanations for sightings of long-necked sea monsters.
Tales of monstrous, multi-tentacled sea creatures and long-necked serpents have been told and written about by mariners for centuries and even today, some parts of the world - such as Scotland's Loch Ness - are said to be home to a mysterious aquatic denizen that science has yet to explain.

But are these sightings quite what they seem ?

According to Michael Sweet - a molecular ecology professor at the University of Derby, England - sightings of long-necked and tentacled sea monsters can be explained by way of something a lot more mundane - the genitalia of whales.
Yes that's right - he claims that the "tentacled and alienesque appendages emerging from the water" in association with such sightings are actually whale penises.

Incredibly, the theory might actually serve to explain at least some of the sightings, albeit only those in locations frequented by whales (which certainly rules out Loch Ness.)

In the open ocean, however, there is some plausibility to the idea.

Still, it could also be argued that an experienced mariner should know the difference between a giant sea monster and the male appendage of a whale sticking out of the water...

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (19)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #10 Posted by clockworkgirl21 3 years ago
I've read that whales will m********e by sticking their penises out of the water.
Comment icon #11 Posted by stereologist 3 years ago
If you ever go on safari in Africa you will a fair number of 5 legged elephants
Comment icon #12 Posted by Trelane 3 years ago
You know if it's alright, can we just go back to talking about sea serpents and stuff? 
Comment icon #13 Posted by Carnoferox 3 years ago
This article and the one it's based on are complete rubbish. Michael Sweet did not come up with this explanation, rather it was first proposed by Charles Paxton and colleagues in 2005. Paxton et al. suggested it explained two historical sightings that both occurred in the ocean. It was never intended to be an explanation for all sea serpent sightings and certainly not for the Loch Ness monster. Here are links to better sources about this topic you should read instead. [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by Tatetopa 3 years ago
Counting the trunk?
Comment icon #15 Posted by and then 3 years ago
Nah... sometimes it's best to just move along... 
Comment icon #16 Posted by Nobu 3 years ago
In South America I’ve seen large eels stick out of the water. Very very large eels. Does anyone know if eels exist in that part of England?   if so, that’s always been my bet for nessie.
Comment icon #17 Posted by Marozi 2 years ago
Btw, there's a speculation that Trunko's "trunk" could be a whale penis (Hawthorne (2021). Monster's & Marine Mysteries. Far from the tree press). However, relying on more "original" sources like citations of the main eyewitness in newspapers rather than (seemingly) Wikipedia, we read that it was distinguished in the deion between a posterior and anterior end and that "where the head should have been the creature had a sort of trunk". Thus, the speculation with the penis seems leading in the wrong direction, thinking about the position of male sexual organs of cetacea...
Comment icon #18 Posted by Uncle Yammy 2 years ago
I can't believe I have come back to discuss this 'Could whale genitalia explain sea monster sightings' 
Comment icon #19 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 2 years ago
Agreed, @Uncle Yammy, whale penises  but in the end, what other threads are there of interest? This is crypto, for god's sake, Mods. Get some BigFoot, some mothman, get *something*. 

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