Something spidery is floating on the wind. Image Credit: Pixabay / qimono
A peculiar natural phenomenon has been leaving California residents watching the skies this month.
Local news outlets have this week been reporting on a rather unusual spectacle - thin, web-like strands falling from empty skies over parts of the Golden State.
In some cases, clumps of this material have even ended up littering roads and walkways.
While the phenomenon has left some people scratching their heads, it turns out that there is a conventional explanation for why this is happening.
These threads are in fact spider webs created by infant arachnids that are 'ballooning' - an intriguing practice that involves creating little 'parachutes' out of web that are carried on the wind.
This helps the spiders to travel much longer distances than would otherwise be possible.
"After they hatch, baby spiders release strands of silk that get caught by the wind and carry them to new homes," said biological sciences professor Dr. Fredrick Larabee of San Jose State University.
"That way they can find food and homes without competing with their siblings."
According to the link in the OP, they are unable to catch any spiders for identification. So, are you Shure that is the Species of Spider they are talking about? Scientists like Dr. Fredrick Larabee believe the webs are being made by baby spiders (or spiderlings) looking to head out into the world to find food. "After they hatch, baby spiders release strands of silk that get caught by the wind and carry them to new homes," said Larabee, a professor of biological sciences at San Jose State University. "That way they can find food and homes without competing with their siblings." Larabee admits ... [More]
Most orb-web spiders parachute, but only as hatchlings. They weave a strand of silk which is caught by the wind and are set aloft. No full-grown spider parachutes. Spiders are predators and unlike cicadas, won't congregate. The point of parachuting is to be scattered far and wide across the landscape, lessening competition.
When I was growing up in Missouri the Parachuting spiders were everywhere this time of year. However, in this situation they have not been able to identify the Spider Species, because they have not found any Spiders. I suspose it's only a matter of time before they figure this little mystery out!
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