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The UFO Phenomenon

Nick Pope: 'King Charles can reveal truth about UFOs with one phone call'

By T.K. Randall
October 21, 2023 · Comment icon 4 comments
King Charles III with US President Joe Biden.
King Charles with President Biden. Image Credit: The White House
The King has a 'hotline' to those who have all the answers concerning the UFO phenomenon, Pope claims.
Interest in UFOs among the British royal family is certainly nothing new - the King's later father, the Duke of Edinburgh, was famously intrigued by the subject and possessed quite a large collection of documents, books and files pertaining to the phenomenon.

Now Nick Pope - who once headed up the UFO investigation desk at the Ministry of Defense - has suggested that King Charles has a 'hotline' to those in the know and that he could potentially lift the lid on the whole mystery with only a single phone call.

Such a move, he argues, could kickstart UFO investigation proceedings in the UK similar to those recently seen in the US such as the Congressional hearing held earlier this year.

If the King doesn't want to appear to be directly involved, he also has the option to petition members of parliament to bring up the topic instead.
"Someone has to go first and yes, it's a big, brave step," Pope said in an interview for upcoming UFO documentary The King of UFOs which will be releasing in November.

"You don't want to be the politician associated with flying saucers if that's the way it's spun, but politicians can be very astute - at times - and it's very easy, particularly if you have overt or covert royal support, to frame your interest as a commitment to open government, or concerns over defence and flight safety."

"That's how politicians in the US handle it, and it's a perfectly legitimate interest to have - in fact, it's bizarre if you weren't concerned about flight safety, especially when we have pilots and radar operators speaking about it."

Whether or not King Charles has any genuine interest in pursuing the topic, however, remains unclear.

Source: Metro.co.uk | Comments (4)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Stiff 1 year ago
He doesn't want to blow his cover.  
Comment icon #2 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 1 year ago
The English and the Americans, a slow series of revelations by selected people of note. Interesting. 
Comment icon #3 Posted by Hankenhunter 1 year ago
Yup, slowly working their way up the ladder.?
Comment icon #4 Posted by iAlrakis 1 year ago
just let me know what the phone number is, i'll do some googling on AI generated voices already.   :-) 

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