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Viral video shows yogi in deep meditation during heavy snowstorm

By T.K. Randall
February 28, 2024 · Comment icon 42 comments
Satyendra Nath.
Nath didn't seem at all phased by the snow. Image Credit: Satyendra Nath / Rahul
The footage, which sparked some intense debate online over its authenticity, appears to be the real deal.
When a video emerged recently of an India yogi meditating in a blizzard, social media users were quick to dismiss the entire thing as an AI-generated hoax.

According to reports, however, the footage is actually genuine.

Filmed earlier this month in the Seraj Valley region of India's Kullu district, the clip shows Satyendra Nath - a yogi who has been associated with the Kaulantak Peeth spiritual organization for several years.

On this particular occasion, two of his disciples who had gone out to find him due to the extreme weather had found him sitting there, motionless, as the snow built up on top of him.
"When we went to speak to Satyendra Nath, we found him in a state of deep meditation in the snow-capped mountains," said one disciple, Rahul. "So, we decided to record this video."

According to his other disciple, Savarninath, Nath was practicing Agni Yoga at the time.

"He has been practicing meditation in the snow-capped mountains since the past 22 years," he said.

You can check out the video for yourself below.

Source: India Today | Comments (42)

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Comment icon #33 Posted by simplybill 6 months ago
I’ve been pondering the same question. I’ve read some amazing stories of people who lived in harsh conditions and adapted in ways that seem impossible. The children in the Lykov family that lived in a remote wilderness in Siberia were able run to run barefoot in the snow in the wintertime to catch rabbits for dinner. There was an Alaskan tribal member (Aleut, I think) years ago that was immersed up to his neck in frigid water for eight hours after his snowmobile broke through the ice and his clothes got tangled up in the machinery. After he was finally rescued, he was asked how he was able... [More]
Comment icon #34 Posted by Chaldon 6 months ago
I've been working with 3D rendering, digital video editing and compositing for more than 20 years, and it looks legit to me. Unless there was a recent step up in technologies which I somehow missed.
Comment icon #35 Posted by qxcontinuum 6 months ago
He might also be dead , frozen ...
Comment icon #36 Posted by Rolltide 6 months ago
Comment icon #37 Posted by Chaldon 6 months ago
It's absolutely possible to gradually adapt one's body to cold even without meditations. Such a practice, if done carefully, only does good to the immune system. When I moved to the countryside (you can imagine a countryside in the Central Siberia) from the city at first I've had lots of colds, and if I had a flu it was always pretty severe, but after about 10 years I can now withstand a lot more harsh environment than I ever could. Just as an experiment, when you have a chance, you can try yourself the following sort of exercise: when the cold wind blows into your face try not to avert from i... [More]
Comment icon #38 Posted by Sir Wearer of Hats 6 months ago
Either he is dropping his body temp to a level that his breath doesn’t steam, or he’s maintaining his body temp at such a level that snow melts on contact. You can’t have both.
Comment icon #39 Posted by simplybill 6 months ago
I’ll try it out the next time I go walking in the cold weather. After reading about the Aleut man in Alaska, I started using his trick of ‘thinking warm thoughts’:  I picture myself sitting in front of a warm fireplace. It does make a difference. And in the summertime, I ‘think cold thoughts’ when I’m hiking in 100 degree weather (38C). It sounds weird, but I picture myself in a bathtub, covered in ice cubes. It’s surprising how much longer I can endure the heat. I’m guessing it’s a mild form of self-hypnosis. Regarding the video: I came to the conclusion that the cameraman ... [More]
Comment icon #40 Posted by Chaldon 6 months ago
The video is heavily compressed. I've downloaded it for my archive using yt-dl and the file turns out to be only 5.6 MB for almost a minute-long video (H264 30fps 720x1280). And by the way, red is the color which visually suffers the most in the modern Internet videos, because compression software uses the outdated YUV411 color model by default; you can compress without much color loss by manually specifying YUV444 in the advanced settings but almost no one does it. I searched and didn't find ‘The Importance of Nature in Your Life’ topic. I don't think it's reasonable to start a new topic ... [More]
Comment icon #41 Posted by simplybill 6 months ago
  Thank you - I wasn’t aware of that.  ?
Comment icon #42 Posted by Salmonskinroll 6 months ago

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